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"Do you think he'll show up?" Connie asked Cassie as she was putting on her pads.

The ducks were preparing for their next game, the first with Adam Banks, hopefully.

Cassie wasn't sure about Banks's presence either, the boy had bullied the Ducks relentlessly  constantly rubbing in the fact that they sucked.

It would be a stretch to expect him to join the team he had looked down on for the past few years.

"Nope, he hated us a week ago, what makes us think he'll join us?"

Fulton smiled at Cassie, "Don't be so cynical about it Cas."

The girl shrugged, "Can you blame me?"

Fulton chuckled as he pulled out a blue bandana from his pocket.

"Help me?"

Cassie happily obliged, Fulton turned around and sat on the bench, Cassie wrapped the cloth around his head and tied it at the back of his head, her hand slowly grazed down, her fingers gently brushed against Fulton's hair.

He turned back to face the girl and cautiously laced his fingers to intertwine with Cassie's before they could move back down to her sides.

Their eyes locked as Cassie felt the overwhelming sensation of butterflies that swarmed her stomach. The way Fulton looked at her made Cassie feel special, like she was some sort of gift in his life.

The tender moment was interrupted by the door swinging open to reveal a bitter looking Adam Banks.

"Didn't think you'd actually show up." Exclaimed Bombay.

"Yeah whatever, I just want to play hockey." Banks said monotonously.

Bombay put his hand on Adam's shoulder, "Ducks you all know Adam Banks."

The tension in the air could have been cut with a knife, Cassie glared at the blond boy, she didn't want him here.

He had reigned hell on the Ducks for the past few years and he still had the nerve to show up?

Fulton had stepped in front of Cassie as the team slowly approached Banks.

The first of the Ducks to actually say something was Charlie, "On behalf of the Ducks I welcome you."

Jesse scoffed and stood directly in front of the blond boy, "Cake eater."

"Oh the Jess-man dissing the new guy, the Jester-"

Averman was cut off by Cassie who smacked his arm, "Not the time Leslie."

Jesse glared at Banks once more and made him look over at the jersey that had 'Banks 99' written on it, "Wearing a Ducks jersey doesn't make you a Duck."

The team made their way out of the dorm each either giving small smiles to Banks or deadly glares

Cassie went for the latter.


"Over here! On your left!" Banks shouted as he frantically started to hit his hockey stick on the ice, trying to get Jesse's attention.

Jesse refused and tried to find someone else to pass it too but as the players from the opposing team started to pile up next to Jesse, he saw no other option.

Banks finally got hold of the puck and shot it into the goal, his first goal as a duck.

The members of the team that were on the ice start to chant his name, minus Jesse.

As time started to run out, Bombay decided to pull Goldberg out of the game and instead put Fulton in.

"You're pulling our goalie out when we're tied?"

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