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"Can't believe we are going on to the play offs, I mean we have been playing since we were nine!" Cassie exclaimed to both Connie and Tammy as they sat on her bed.

The three girls were having a sleepover to celebrate their win in their own way.

"We just need to play against the Hornets and we're off to the finals, it's so surreal." Tammy sighed as she happily flopped down on to the bed.

Connie meanwhile was playing with the charm bracelet that Guy had given her that very afternoon.

She seemed to have been in her own little world until Cassie snapped her out of her thoughts, "Hello? Earth to Connie? Geez you are boy crazy."

Connie's face flushed a deep red as she pushed Cassie playfully, "You're one to speak! You have a boyfriend."

"Ya, but I don't think about him twenty four hours a day and still swear I don't like him." Cassie sassed.

Tammy chuckled, "C'mon admit it you walk home with him, he gives you presents and you let him hold your hand, you totally like him."

Cassie leaned in, "It's okay if you don't want to but just to let you know, anyone with eyes can see you two are a thing."

Connie giggled, "He does give me presents doesn't he?"

The three girls laughed, Connie still unable to bring herself to stop fiddling with the piece of jewellery.


Surprisingly the Ducks are still in the game, they are playing against the hornets in this week semi finals.

Banks is moving right in front, stops. He shoots he scores!

Banks once against shots and he scores!

Averman gets hold of the puck, back to Lim, she shoots and she scores!

Ducks win against the Hornets!

As the announcer was exclaiming their win, Cassie had her arms up in the air, cheering until her throat felt sore.

They had won! They'd be up against the Hawks for state finals.

Back in the locker room, the team had been celebrating their hot streak and Bombay walked in with a big cooler.

"Soda anyone?" Bombay asked, opening the big tub to reveal different sodas, from coke to sprite.

Before Bombay could take a sip out of his can, Charlie, with a mischievous glint in his eye, poured his can of coke onto the coach .

Bombay gasped in shock, Averman was quick to join in followed by the rest of the Ducks, soon to was no longer just Bombay to was the target but it became a full out drink fight.

"Ewww it's so sticky." Connie groaned as Goldberg poured a while can of sprite on her.

Cassie had grabbed a can of cherry cola and found her target.

"On your left!" She yelled before she spilled the sweet drink onto Fulton's side.

Fulton held onto her waist tightly so as not to let her escape his grasp and he poured his drink all over her, soaking her in orange soda.

The two of them were laughing and hadn't noticed that Bombay had held up the cooler and was ready to dump the ice water all over the team.

"Oh shit!" Cassie swore as the freezing water drenched her and Fulton.

The rest of the team started to attack Bombay again but Cassie had her attention on Fulton.

"Are you alright?" She asked stepping closer to the boy.

He didn't answer her, instead he started to shake his head furiously like a dog which splattered both soda and cold water onto Cassie once again.

"Don't do that!" Cassie gasped as she tried to shield her glasses.

Fulton pulled her closer and kissed her cheek, "Forgive me?"

Cassie giggled, "You are forgiven."

The two went back to their team and noticed that the commotion had died down, with Bombay trying to catch his breath and dry himself off.

The week went by like a blissful dream.

The Ducks were finally streaming out of the locker room and on their ways home.

Fulton and Cassie walked hand in hand out of the rink and into the freezing Minnesota air.

"Are you cold?" Fulton asked.

Cassie nodded slightly as the gloves she brought were too thin for that day's low temperature.

Fulton brought her closer to his body so as to give her more heat and he placed one of her hands in he pocket and the other laced between his fingers.

"You treat me real nice Fulton." Cassie sighed as her body started to warm up.

The boy smiled, "I'm your boyfriend, that's like my only job."

Cassie's face started to get red again, sure Connie called Fulton her boyfriend but hearing the word come out of his mouth?

That felt surreal.

Cassie started to slow down her walking as she continued to process Fulton's words.

Fulton's face scrunched up in confusion, "Do you not want me to be your boyfriend? It's okay if you think that-"

Cassie stopped him with a quick peck, "I really do like you calling yourself my boyfriend, I just had to let it sink in. You're really mine huh."

Fulton nodded as his nose became pink, "Yeah, I am. You are after all my girlfriend."

Cassie left another giggle bubble out of her, oh how easy to was to do that when it came to Fulton.

The two continued on their walk, their hands never leaving each other.

Cassie really left as if she was on the top of the world. Not only was her underdog hockey team finally making the state finals but she had a real boyfriend.

One that kept her warm and made her laugh.

There was a fuzzy feeling in Cassie's stomach when her and Fulton parted ways. She didn't want him to leave but she had to.

A sense to blissful giddiness had taken over her senses, she didn't stop smiling at the dinner table and she couldn't go to sleep either.

After she had calmed her adrenaline and forced herself to feel drowsy with the thought of the high stakes of tomorrow's game.

She lulled herself to sleep with only the thought of a boy with raven hair and beautiful brown eyes, as she dreamed about him the warmer she left and suddenly, Minnesota wasn't so cold anymore.

She lulled herself to sleep with only the thought of a boy with raven hair and beautiful brown eyes, as she dreamed about him the warmer she left and suddenly, Minnesota wasn't so cold anymore

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