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Love has always been a very fickle thing. One moment you my feel indifferent to a person's presence but you could be a flustered mess the next.

One night was all it took for Fulton to flip.

Was it her laugh? Her eyes? Her touch?

On the way to the rink, preparing for their first game as a new team, Cassie was walking beside him the whole time, her attention wasn't even on him.

She was talking to Connie the entire time, she wasn't paying any mind to him.

But he couldn't notice anything or anyone other than her.

Charlie was trying to make conversation with Fulton but he couldn't focus.

To his right was Cassie, just walking and talking, smiling. Something so simple yet so mesmerising to him.

How could she stand there and laugh and look so beautiful?

Her face was flushed from both the cold and laughing so much with Connie. She looked adorable.

The little giggles she let out whenever Connie said something funny or the playful gags she would let out when Connie started gushing about Guy.

Fulton thought they were the most beautiful things to grace his senses.

It was bizarre how just one night changed everything.

"Wanna hang out after the game? You know if it goes well?" Cassie asked, taking Fulton by surprise. Hoping she didn't notice him looking.

Fulton was about to open his mouth and answer but the moment he locked eyes with Cassie, every syllable of every word seemed to have died at his lips.

He could only bring himself to nod and smile.

Damn it.

Cassie seemed unfazed by it, thankfully and got back into her conversation with Connie.

Fulton let out a breath that he wasn't aware he was holding and turned to his left to face Charlie and finally engage with the boy.

After that embarrassment he didn't think he could ever face Cassie again.


Cassie was fazed and she did notice.

She tried her best to act cool and indifferent but she was well aware of Fulton's attention.

Connie was giving her small nudges the whole trip and it bothered Cassie to no end.

"He likes you, trust me!" Connie prodded.

Cassie scoffed, "How many times do I have to tell you, he doesn't. He's just my friend."

"If he's just your friend than ask him to hang out."

Cassie couldn't believe it. Of course she could ask him.

Ya she totally could.

She turned to Fulton , expecting to need to try to catch his attention but surprisingly he already had his head turned to face her.

"Wanna hang out after the game? You know if it all goes well?" Cassie asked.

Her heart was hammering in her chest.

What if he says no? Maybe he really is sick of her and this is his chance of telling her.

However, her worries were put at ease when he gave a stiff nod and nervous smile.

"See? Con? I am as cool as ice."

Her best friend furrowed her brows, judging Cassie heavily, "Sure...whatever you say. But remember after you kiss, you must always tell."

𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐏 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓-FULTON REEDWhere stories live. Discover now