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"Tell me again why we are walking to the ice palace when my dad offered to drive us?" Cassie complained to Connie as the two girls walked down the icy pavement.

"I am literally freezing my tits off." Cassie seethed causing Connie to groan.

Connie was about to explain herself but her attention was diverted to a short blond boy not too far from the two girls.

"We are walking because I'll get to see Guy." Connie whispered to Cassie before approaching the aforementioned boy.

Cassie scowled at her friend, just because Connie was willing to waste her energy on Guy did not mean she was willing to waste her's.

Connie and Guy walked together, smiling and chatting away while Cassie walked behind them, almost gagging at how cute they were.

The subtle giggles and light hand grazed made Cassie sick and the fact that they were clueless about their feelings towards each other made the whole situation even more infuriating.

The three of them entered the shop, the warm and cozy atmosphere engulfing them and protecting them from the harsh Minnesota winter.

With most of the team already there, Goldberg being the last to arrive, Bombay rounded them up with a uncharacteristically welcoming smile.

"Go pick out whatever you guys want." He said simply, grinning at the team's surprised faces.

They ran in all directions, picking out anything and everything that looked like it was associated with hockey.

Cassie was skimming through gloves when she accidentally knocked over a mug that she had hit with the big pile of gear in her arms.

She looked around to make sure no one saw and carefully placed it back, thankful it didn't have any noticeable damage.

She was about to move away and avoid suspicion when a familiar deep voice came up from behind her.

"I saw that."

Cassie jumped as the sudden voice and immediately turned around to face Fulton who was laughing at the girl's startled reaction.

The shock on Cassie's face turned into a smile and she lightly slapped the boy on his arm.

"Never do that to me again." She said between laughter.

As the laughter died the down the two of them walked through the rows of jerseys together in a comfortable silence.

As Cassie was looking at a purple jersey that caught her eye, Fulton started to speak.

"What are you doing after practice." He asked, fiddling with his fingers in the process.

Cassie shrugged, "Not much, why?"

"W-well i was thinking t-that maybe you would want to hang out with me in the alley after practice, you know, shoot some goals with me?" Fulton muttered out.

A wide smile spread on Cassie face, "Of course i would love to."

Fulton gave her a small nod and a wide smile mirroring the girl, wordlessly walking away to the other end of the shop.

Cassie's eyebrows furrowed and looked at Fulton in confusion.

No matter how much Cassie tried, boys were still such a mystery to her.

Connie had ran up to Cassie, gripping her shoulder and jerked her friend back and forth eagerly.

"What just happened? What was that?"

"What was what?" Cassie asked indifferently.

Charlie walked by and decided to join in on the girl's conversation.

𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐏 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓-FULTON REEDWhere stories live. Discover now