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School went by as usual until science class. All the Ducks were in the class and after what had happened in the previous game, there was some tension.

Their science teacher was talking about water molecules but non of the Ducks aside from Tommy were listening.

Cassie was busy drawing some doodle on her wrist until she felt a light tap on her shoulder.

She turned around to see Guy with a piece of paper in his hand, "From Fulton, for you."

Cassie took the piece of paper and excitedly opened it up, before she could read what was on the paper Connie leaned closer to her friend, curiosity written on her face.

"What does it say?"

Wanna go to the carnival with me?

The words were scribbled hastily on the end of their textbook and was ripped right out. Cassie found that quite endearing.

She felt Fulton's eyes bearing at the back of her head, she could feel his nervousness three rows down.

Cassie turned to face the far corner of the class, Fulton's pale skin had a pink wash to it which was enhanced by the afternoon sun that streamed in from the window next to him.

As Cassie suspected, Fulton was already facing her way. Their eyes locked, Cassie smiled and nodded, agreeing to Fulton's afternoon proposal, making a smile grace onto the boy's face.

Cassie's attention went back to class when a loud burst of laughter came from the students.

"Now what are the blue balls?"

Cassie couldn't hep but giggle at the immature joke, their teacher's confusion at their laughter made it much funnier than it should have.

"Now put them together and you have a molecule that makes up 60% of your body. What is it?"

"Pizza?" Tommy answered.

Their teacher sighed and was about to explain water to them before the Principal interrupted him. "I'll be right back."

Connie turned to Cassie the moment their teacher left, "So? What did it say?"

Cassie showed her the piece of paper, Connie gasped, "It's a date?"

"What? No. Just hanging out."

Connie scoffed and rolled her eyes, "I am so sick of you saying it's nothing. Did you see his face when you just looked at him? I don't think I have ever seen him smile like that and your pupils practically became hearts."

"Look who's talking? You have liked Guy since what Kindergarten and nothing. At least Fulton asks me out." Cassie boasted making her friend gasp in fake offence.

Connie gave Cassie a playful shove, "So you admit it?"


Connie poked her friend's side, "You do see this as a date."

Cassie slapped Connie shoulder and threw her a playful glare.

The two girls had their attention diverted when Charlie shoved Peter hard, "Take it back now!"

Connie immediately stood up and came between the two boys before Charlie could shove Karp, her taller stature blocking Charlie from the two boys.

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