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It has been a week since Cassie's uncle moved in with her and her father and to say it was a mess would be an understatement.

Micheal and his brother Vincent haven't spoken in almost ten years and left each other on bad terms.

Cassie now always tried to go to school or hockey practice earlier and leave later just so she didn't have to hear the two brother's squabbles.

It was a Friday afternoon right after school and Charlie had invited Cassie to go out with him and a few of the boys.

Even Charlie was aware of how uncomfortable Cassie has felt in her own house lately and tried to help get out as often as possible.

"Dad, I'm meeting Charlie at the park!" Cassie yelled.

Before she could reach for the door knob her father stopped her, "You've been hanging around Charlie a lot Cassie."

The girl rolled her eyes, "Dad, I go out with Charlie all the time it's nothing new."

Micheal sighed and gestured for her to go ahead, "Fine, but let me drop you off, I need to go to work anyways, it's my shift."

Cassie and Micheal hopped into the car , silence fell on the two until Cassie piped up.

"Where's Uncle Vince? Haven't seen him all afternoon."

"He's going to a job interview, a janitor at the rink you played at last time."

Cassie nodded, maybe they would finally stop fighting, after all most of their disagreements were about Vincent's lack of financial support.

Cassie could finally have some peace of mind.

After dropping her off at the park, Charlie, Guy, Peter ,Karp , Averman and the Hall brothers all walked along the streets of their neighbourhood, looking for something to do.

The group walked into a alleyway after spotting a box of something.

The kids peered into the mysterious box to find the hundreds of the latest issue of playboy.

As the boys except for Guy and Charlie picked one up, Cassie shook her head.

Charlie looked at the magazines in disgust, "Who would read those things? Besides Cassie's with us, this is inappropriate!"

Cassie let out a chuckle, " It's fine Conway, after all, this is the most they'll see in a long time."

Jesse threw a glare at the girl as Terry laughed at her joke.

"I don't believe it! Who would throw these away?" Exclaimed Karp.

Peter ever the business man, "First look's free, next five minutes costs a buck each. Fork it over."

Averman put his issue down, "Forget it. I can see this every day on MTV."

Peter put the centre fold in Guy's face and chuckled, "This one's from Minneapolis. Hey, Guy, look, it's your mom."

Peter started to run away as Guy bolted towards the smaller boy, rage in his eyes.

"Let's give him a wedgie!"

Cassie and Guy had caught up to Peter and cornered him, "Okay Okay I was kidding!"

While the rest of them were preoccupied with Peter , Karp was still flipping through the magazine until a boy on skates snatched it, two other's dressing similarly not far behind.

"That's mine you jerk I found it."

Turns out it was the three star players of the Hawks. Larson, McGill and Banks.

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