Chapter 18- Hopeless

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Chapter 18- Hopeless

Two weeks have gone by with no sign of Kyle; I can’t help but feel empty without him. It hurts to think about him, yet that’s all I’ve been able to do. That note my attacker had been nothing but a false alarm. When I had got to station they told me the note didn’t mention Kyle at all. It read one simple sentence on it: TELL ROSE, TO DO AS I SAY NEXT TIME.

Nobody said the words but everyone had lost hope on that Kyle was alive. I broke down into tears; Tyler had to drive me back to my house with my parents to calm me down. He laid me down on my bed and made sure I had fallen asleep. My parents were constantly worried about me, thinking I would break any second.

Every day I went to the police station trying to help for the search of Kyle, but every day was the same; I came back empty. People began to feel hopeless, and I couldn’t understand how they could give up so easily.

It’s another day and I decided to skip class, my parents went to work as usual and stayed in my room not wanting to do anything. As I lay down on my bed and everything just seems so senseless. How had everything changed so much? How did I lose my best friends? How did I lose myself? So many things went through my head. I couldn’t concentrate on anything. All I could think about was Kyle, hoping he was still alive somewhere out there.


Kyle’s POV

I’ve lost track of time of how long I have been down here. That sick mother F***er will only come down to give me food and to make fun of me. I have no idea why HE’S still keeping me alive, something about a brilliant plan HE has. It’d always dark down here the only light I ever see is when HE comes down the stairs, leaving the door open from above. I have tried yelling out for help but have only received laughter coming from HIM.

I’ve been tied to a chair with chains burning into my skin; as if it has become one with me. No matter how hard I try I can’t get away. HE has planned this out thoroughly and that is what scares me the most. HE is naïve at all, he well knows what he is doing and I fear for Rose’s safety. Just to think HE’S so close to her while I’m gone makes me want to kill him with my bare hands.

A loud crack snapped me out of my thoughts.

“I see you’re still alive.” HE says.

“I’m not dying until you rot in prison!” I yell out.

“That will never happen you fool. Ah, and since you bring up the topic of you dying; this is a perfect moment to tell you.”

“Tell me what?”

“I don’t need you any longer after tomorrow. I will give her the gift of finding you tomorrow.”

“So you’re letting me go?”

“HA. I said I would let her find you, just not alive.”

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