Chapter 13- Halloween

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Gio's note: Rose's Halloween costume at the side :)


Chapter 13- Halloween

“Sweetie wake up” I heard my dad’s voice, his hand slowly shaking me awake.

I sighed and slowly opened my eyes. “What?” I asked still half asleep. “Get ready were going to go have breakfast then we got to talk” My dad said. I groaned, I didn’t feel like coming back to reality just yet.  I got out of bed and went to the only shower in the hotel room. I took my time and felt relaxed with the warm water hitting my face. I got out and wrapped a towel around me. I blow dried my hair and put on some jeans and a simple t shirt. I applied light make up and opened the door to the room. I found my mom and dad already dressed and looking impatient.

“Ready to go darling?” My dad asked. I smiled and nodded. We headed downstairs to the dining area and sat down. We ordered our breakfast and dug in when they brought it out. We were pretty much quiet and it wasn’t until my dad spoke when the silence broke.

“Your mom and I think it’s a good idea if you spend a couple nights with Annie.” He said. I looked up to them and noticed the sadness in my mother’s eyes. Maybe it was best to go with Annie for a while; I need to relax a bit. “If you don’t want to then at least tonight, we think it’s a good idea if you go out for Halloween, to distract you.” I thought about it for a moment. They only wanted me to be happy and enjoy my youth.

“Yeah that’s fine; I think I’ll spend a couple nights with Annie.” I said. My parents smiled meaning they had accomplished their plan of making me happy.

“I already spoke to Annie’s mom and she said that it was fine, detective Benson is going to have two police cars in front of the house” My dad said with a genuine smile.

I frowned when I heard his words; would I put Annie at risk? What about my parents? “What about you guys?” I asked.

“Don’t worry honey, there will be a police car patrolling us as well.” My mom said. I nodded, then I couldn’t see why I couldn’t go and distract myself for a bit. I just hoped nothing bad will happen tonight.

After having breakfast I said goodbye to my parents and headed towards Annie’s house. I texted her while I was on my way.

Me: Hey im on my way 2 ur house

Annie: yea buddy! My mom told me right now…. Dude are u ready 2 party hard?

Me: haha you know it ;)

Annie: you should invite Kyle ;) <3

I bit my lip, should I?

Me: alright sure… Im here

I parked my car in front of her house and got out. I walked towards the door and it opened, Annie stood there in front of me with the biggest smile on her face. I gave her a small smile and she came right at me and hugged me.

“How are you doing? Are you okay?” She asked.

“Yeah I’m fine. I really don’t want to talk about it though.” I said.

We spent a few hours talking about almost everything. I didn’t realize how much I had missed my best friend and her jokes. She told me that we were going to Tyler’s and Max’s house because they were throwing a huge Halloween party. After a few minutes of fighting with her she finally made me text Kyle to invite him to the party. I have to say, I was actually excited for tonight, mostly to see Kyle.

“Wait, Ann what am I going to wear?” I asked her in defeat. She bit her lower lip for a while before growing a big grin in her face. “Shopping time!” She said. I rolled my eyes; of course she would want to go shopping. We decided to go on her car to the mall. We got to the mall and we took forever to find the perfect costume. I was going as a nurse; it was Annie’s idea to choose the nurse costume. I thought it was a bit short but Annie insisted that it would be perfect and that Kyle would love it.

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