Chapter 7- HIM

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Chapter 7- HIM

***Unknown Point of View***

I woke up to another day of happiness. I always wake up with energy because I know Rose is and always will be mine.  The thought of her brings me back to that night where I made her mine. The way she was screaming made me grin. Her tears streaming down her face made me want her more.  I have loved her for over two years.  Rose was different from every other girl; she wasn’t an easy girl like most girls are now a days, she was strong and had respect for herself. No one else knew this but Rose had never been intimate with anyone. I knew she would never give it up for any boyfriend no matter how much she loved him. I needed her; if she wasn’t going to give in to me I had to do it myself.  

I will never forget the night I decided to make her mine. It was so beautiful and it was all for me.

I wanted to see her today. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I need to be with her! I drove by her house after finding out she was going to hang out with Kyle. Gosh I hated Kyle!!! First of all he intruded my beautiful night with Rose! Then he starts acting like a hero, what is he trying to do, steal her from ME?!?!

No way in hell I was going to let that happen. She was mine and always will be! I didn’t like her hanging out with Kyle he was such of a threat to me. I wanted to get Kyle out of the picture no matter what it will take!

I saw Rose coming out of the house and getting into her car, she drove off and I followed a moment later so she wouldn’t notice me. She drove to the movie theatre where Kyle was waiting for her in the ticket line. They hugged each other and at that moment I wanted to get out of my car and kill him. I knew I couldn’t do that in public, all came at its time.

 While they were watching the movie I used my time wisely in buying a phone that no one could figure out who was using it. I knew my connections would help me in something, at least I could contact Rose and not even the police will figure out who it is. I saw them leave the movies and go to the Ice Cream Shop. I hated how Kyle kept on making MY girl laugh!

I had enough of it. I got the phone I just got and sent a text to her. I knew exactly what I had to say so she would know it was me. “Just remember that no matter who you’re with no one can protect you from me because you’ll always be MINE”

I hit the send button and watched as Rose pulled out her phone. As soon as she read the message her face turned pale like all the blood had been drained out. I loved that look on her face I knew she was thinking of me and that wonderful night.

Meanwhile I got out of my car to go put a note on her window. I wanted this night to be of me and Rose not her and Kyle. I left the note in the windshield I hurried to my car. Just in time for both of them standing up and leaving the shop. I saw as they walked to their cars. She saw the note and read it. My mission was accomplished. I grinned as I heard Kyle swore off into the night. I went back to my car waited for Rose to go back home. I wanted to make sure Rose got home safely then I would go deal with Kyle.

 I watched Rose get home. I noticed the light turn on in her bedroom. I wanted so badly to be with at this moment and make her mine all over again. I decide to send her a goodnight text like any couple would do.

“Sweet dreams or should I say nightmares?”

As I sent the text I smiled that I knew she would be thinking of me the whole night.

I drove off into the night to find Kyle and to silence him once and for all. I had done researched as to where Kyle lived. I saw him on the main street before his neighborhood. There were no cars so I took the opportunity to step on the gas pedal and crash into him. He never saw me coming and with that big of an impact his car when crashing to the light pole. There was smoke coming out and I saw how much blood there was around him. There was no way he was surviving this. He had a certain death because of that major head injury, I knew I had won. The car was beaten up and too hard to even get him out. I smiled at my master piece of Kyle’s death.

Rose was going to have to live without her precious “hero” cause now all she had was me.  I knew that she would need someone to cry on once he found out about Kyle and that someone was going to be me. This time I was going to make sure no one got in my way to be with her. She was MINE and will ALWAYS be. I decided to go home and rest because tomorrow held a long and exhausting day.


Gio’s Note: Heeeeey guys!! SHOCKER isn’t!!!! :O ….poor Kyle got in a car crash :P tell me what you guys think  about this chapter and if you liked this point of view so I could do it again.  Don’t for get to comment and VOTE!!! Thanks guys! LOVE YA ;)

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