Chapter 23- Alone

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Chapter 23- Alone

Rose’s POV

The pounding in my head woke me up from my deep sleep. I got up and walked towards my restroom. I grabbed my towel and got in the shower. The cold water certainly awoke my senses. I heard my mom call my name.

“I’m showering!” I yelled out to her.

I finished y shower and stepped into my room. I went to my dresser and got my clothes. I put on an old t-shirt and some worn out jeans. I didn’t feel like fixing my hair so I put it in a tight bun. I sighed, looking at my desk full of paper work.

I sat down on my chair; I only needed to finish one more assignment. I had to write an essay and it was due next week, I was half way through it.  

“Aren’t you going to eat something before you start your homework?” My dad asked. He had walked into my room and sat down on my bed.

“I’m not hungry”

“Honey, I know this has been a rough year but you need to take care of yourself so you can start new and fresh.”

“I know dad, I’m just not hungry”

“Honey, you need to eat something and then go out with your friends, you can’t be stuck in your room all day rethinking the past.”

“Dad, I need to finish my work!”

He sighed, “Fine but I want you to eat breakfast as soon as your done!” he stood up and walked towards my door.

“I don’t have any, so I can’t go out.” I whispered, barely audible for my dad to hear.

“Have any what?” He asked confused.

“Friends.” I said and got up and walked towards my restroom.

“Rose-“ I heard my dad saying but I quickly closed the restroom door.

I heard footsteps fading away and the faint sound of my door closing. I looked into the mirror and splashed some water on my face. I have been losing my temper lately, every day that passes I seem to lose myself more and more. I can hardly recognize the person I am today.

I took a big breath and opened the door, my room was empty. I sat down on my bed and stared out the window. The tree had started growing its leaves; birds made their nest and were singing. I would have thought a year ago that it was a beautiful day, but now my perspective changed on how I viewed things.

I went back to my chair and started working on my essay. I tried so hard but I couldn’t concentrate, all I thought about was Kyle. He ignored me yesterday, I didn’t blame he neither. I deserved everything that came my way.

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