Chapter 25- Defeat

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Chapter 25- Defeat

It hurt so much; my heart was ready to give out on me. My body failed in giving me support to stand. I fell to the floor and clutched my hands close to face. I held myself in a strong embrace. My hands shook uncontrollably.

I couldn’t believe it, I wouldn’t believe it. I was in denial, but deep down I knew the truth and it hurt like crazy. I let my hands fall to floor and I bent my head trying to breathe. I felt hot tears roll down my checks. I clutched my teeth and let out all the pain I had within me.

I screamed.

Tears were coming faster now, I held my arms in an embrace trying to control my pain but nothing I did took it away.

I sat in the corner of my room; hugging my knees and having my head down. I cried knowing that there was nothing else left to do.

This feeling tugging in my heart was slowing taking it’s time to kill me. I just wanted it to go all away. The pain was too much. I couldn’t do it anymore. I give up.

I don’t know how long I sat there, the ache my body had from being on the floor too much didn’t matter to me. Any pain was better than the one I was feeling. My throat was soar, my eyes burned, my heart ached; but it all didn’t matter to me anymore. I had lost what I believed in, my friends.

Kyle had dropped me off at my house two hours ago. I had told my parents and they immediately asked for the day off. They were down stairs, probably trying to come up with a plan to talk to me. I locked myself in my room, not wanting to be disturbed by them.

“Rose?” My mom whispered through the door.

I didn’t want to answer; I didn’t want to see anyone. I couldn’t face the look of pity they had on. I didn’t want to let them see how broken I was inside. I had no strength left within me, no more willpower to continue fighting.  

“Can I come in?” She asked. “Please Rose, I just want to help.”

I knew I should let her comfort me, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. “No, please leave me alone.” I said just loud enough for her to hear me. I hugged myself tighter trying to make the pain go away but nothing I did seemed to work.

I stayed like that for another hour until I heard my phone beep. I looked at and saw that it was a message from Kyle.

“Your mom called me saying she was worried about you. Do you want me to come over?”

I was undecided, part of me wanted to be held by his embrace but the other part wanted to stay away from everyone. I knew which part I had to listen to.

“No, it’s okay. You probably have some important things to do with Diana.”

I sent the message and threw my phone on top of my bed. My stomach growled, telling me that I needed to eat something; but nothing gave me any motive to move. I decided to focus on how my life use to be before all of this happened. I refused to think about why Max would do something like that.

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