Chapter 14- Night of Surprises

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Chapter 14 – Night of Surprises

***Kyle’s POV***

My eyes widened as I heard Rose’s words leave her mouth. We had talked before about how she had suspected Max but there had always been something that made her say it couldn’t be him. As I looked into her eyes I knew it wasn’t like the other talks we had before, I saw fear run through her eyes; telling me that this time it wasn’t just a bad feeling anymore. She was shaking with fear and I couldn’t do anything about it. I got me angry how anyone could have done this to her, I wish she didn’t have to go through this pain.

“Why do you think this? What happened?” I asked her. I took hold of her hand. I was starting to do that more often and I didn’t know why. I just felt happy every time I had her near me. I knew she was safe as long as I held her and that made me feel comfort.

I listened while she told me everything she knew. She told me about what had happened at the party. Anger went through my veins as I realized I should have never left her side. Just the thought of the bastard getting closer to her made me want to go crazy; but I couldn’t, I needed to be here for Rose. That was what I wanted the most. She told me how she always had that bad feeling about him. I couldn’t tell her I got it too well because I never liked that jerk, I was always jealous that they were going out.

I saw a tear fall from her eye, that bastard was going to die for making Rose cry. He had done so many things to her and it got me angry that I was never being able to stop it. I didn’t want to see her like this, all torn up because of that jack ass! I placed my hand on her check and whipped the tear away. A sudden thought came to me; I wondered if she had remembered what I told her when she was drunk.

“Do you remember me telling you something before you fell asleep?” I asked her. I hoped she had felt the same because I was going insane because of her. She was driving me crazy. I never thought I would be this mushy guy having intense feelings but being around her made me just that.

“No, I don’t remember much. I just remember you waking me up and having a big headache” she said a little confused on why I asked her.  Silenced filled the air. I couldn’t keep my eyes away from her; she just kept on winding me in. I didn’t realize I had done it until I felt my lips crash into hers. I kissed her with all I had. I wanted her to feel safe with me. I wanted to protect her and always be there for her. Since when did I become this guy? I don’t know but it all made sense to me when I was with her.

It took a while for Rose to respond, she was kissing me back. I had never been so happy about kissing a girl. Then again I knew Rose wasn’t just any girl. I was happy that she had let me. Then all of a sudden the happiness I felt went away as she pulled back and stared at me with shocked eyes. She pushed me away, and looked down at her hands.

Maybe I had gone too far, after everything she has gone through maybe she just didn’t want me. She wouldn’t look at me in the eye, I knew what I had to say but I just couldn’t bring myself to say it. I didn’t want us just to be friends, but I had to accept that was all that we were. She probably still had feelings for Max. She didn’t say anything; it was obvious she felt nothing for me.

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