Chapter 2 - His voice

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“ Rose? Baby are you listening to me?”  Max held my hand looking into my eyes. “ Sorry Max I didn’t hear you” I heard him sigh. I felt bad for not listening now. “I said that they’re letting us taking you home now so I was asking you if you wanted to go with me or with your mom” I looked towards my parents and I could see in their eyes they didn’t know how to deal with this. “I’ll go with you Max” I didn’t want to bother my parents anymore. He help me stand up so we can leave, when a guy in his mid-forties walked in. “ Rose before you leave I need to talk to you.” I didn’t understand why I had to talk to this man if I didn’t even know him. “who are you?” I asked. “ I’m sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I’m detective Benson, I’m in charge of your case” I was tired and had enough answering questions to everyone who walked in my room, Max must have noticed how tired I was because he turned to Detective Benson and said I was too tired maybe another day we could talk. I was happy to get out of that hospital room, I was getting inside Max’s car when he stopped and looked at me. I noticed he wasn’t looking directly at me but at my neck where I knew that his mark was there. He noticed I was uncomfortable he looked at me and smiled. He helped me get into his car.

He was driving me home, there was a silence and kept on noticing he wanted to say something but didn’t know how. “We’re going to find this guy okay babe, I swear if it’s the last thing I do but I will find him!” I couldn’t say anything I couldn’t even look at him because deep down I thought we would never find him. We got to my house and he led me to the front door. He was leaning in for a kiss but I flinched away. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to turn away it’s just..”  Max got my hands and looked me in the eyes I could see understanding and love in his eyes. “Baby, don’t apologize if anything I should be the one to ask for your forgiveness. Tell me when you’re ready okay baby I will always be here for you.” I nodded said goodbye and walked into my house. My dad was sitting in the couch with his hands to his face. I slowly made my way to my room. I got undressed put my pajamas on and went to sleep.


I was running and trees were everywhere, I couldn’t see a thing but I could hear his laughter right behind me.  I was now on the floor and he was over me, he kept on repeating “Mine” over and over again. I screamed so many times but nobody heard me. He said mine one last time and pulled the knife out and stabbed me in the stomach. I woke up yelling and I could feel the sweat falling off my face. My mom came rushing in my room telling me it was okay and it was only a dream. She laid down next to me trying to calm me down.  I was terrified because somewhere in my life I knew I had heard that voice. I knew he changed his voice a little but I still knew I know him from somewhere. It took hours for me to sleep because I was crying at the fact that I had just found out that my attacker was one of my friends, someone who was close to me. The thought of that made me cry all over again.

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