Chapter 21 - Broken

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Chapter 21-  Broken

Unknown POV

I slammed her hard against the floor.

“You’re MINE; I think you’ve forgotten that. I think it’s time I reminded you.” I said right at her.

I could see the fear radiating off from her body. I love the way she made me feel, I had the power now. Oh I love power. That's what I loved about Rose, she didn't hand it over so easily. She isn't easy like the rest of the girls are. She's special.

"Please, don't." She whispered. Gosh I love everything about. Her voice is the best part!

"I'm not going to do anything you don't want to." I saw relief in her eyes. "And we both know you want this." I said.

Fear returned in her eyes, she shook uncontrollably. She was on the floor, waiting for me. I knew she wanted me just as bad as I wanted her.

"You don't have to hide the attraction you feel for me. It's okay nobody is around. No need to pretend anymore." I said.

"Please don't." She whimpered.

"Don't what?"

"Don't touch me!"

Anger rushed through my whole body. I knew I was ready to explode. I hovered over her, she squirmed away, trying not to look at me. I laughed at how scared she was, as if she didn't know me.

I got her by the hair and dragged her towards the couch. I slammed her down without hesitation. I made her stay still and i got on top of her. She begged and cried but I well knew she wanted this. SHE WANTED ME! I made her lay still while I enjoyed the ride.

Rose's POV
I screamed, using all my lungs. I tried kicking but nothing seemed to get him off of me. He held me tight, I couldn't move anymore. I cried out as I realized what he was doing. It was too late for anyone to save me. He was already inside of me.

Disgust rushed over me, the tears were endless. The pain in my heart was agonizing, I wanted to die right then and there. I couldn't contain the anger and frustration anymore. I could feel him enjoying himself, it sickened me. I yelled at him to stop.

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