Chapter 29- Truth

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Gio's Note: Heeeyy!!! aaahhh so many things to say, first I would like to dedicate this ending of LTBR to a very special person, he is awesome and badass haha Turo you know I'm talking about you, Thank you Turo for supporting me with this story and life x) ... Also Thank you for all of my followers for supporting LTBR, I enjoyed reading your comment and messages! Sorry for any mistakes :P .... This is the ending of LTBR, but there will be an epilogue!!! VOTE&COMMENT! ENJOY!


Chapter 29- Truth

I raised my gaze and a gasped escaped my lips. I was in shock, my legs wobbled with each second that passed by. My throat felt dry and it was getting harder to breathe. I stared, trying to convince myself that this wasn’t real. I was hoping that I would wake up any second now. I whimpered because I knew this wasn’t a dream. My legs were starting to shake incredibly strong; threatening to give out any moment and collapse, but I made sure not to let that happen. 

I was standing in front of my REAL attacker.

A tear escaped my eye, but I quickly wiped it away; I wasn’t going to let him see me like this. All the memories came back to me in that instant, all the times I had spent with him. How did it all lead to this? Did our friendship really mean anything? So many questions were running through my mind; I finally picked one.

“Why?” I asked.

Why would he ever do this to me? Why would he kill everyone important to me? How could he possibly live with himself?

“Why not?” He snickered.

I glance down at Max; the crimson liquid that has made a puddle around him. A wave of emotions runs over me, knocking me down to my knees. I could feel my pants and hands getting drenched in the blood but I don’t care; the guilt I hold inside of me is greater than anything right now. The hatred, anger, grudge I held against Max, kills me with guilty. My real attacker laughs as the guilt washes over me making me realize that I had hated the wrong person.

“Why?” I repeated over and over again.

“I love you, Rose” He says seriously.

I look up at him as he steps closer to me; our eyes meet and lock with each other.  All of a sudden I get this strength to stand up and look him in the eye.

“I hate you, Tyler.” As I say his name, a lump forms in my throat. Saying his name out loud; makes it real. It’s admitting that I had hated the wrong person, when I should have listened to him. It’s admitting the loss of a brother. It’s admitting that I had been so close to a murderer. It’s admitting, defeat.

I see a frown form on his forehead, “Don’t say that.” He says with his voice ringing throughout the room.

“Take that back.” He says as he takes a step closer to me. My bravery is quickly taken away and is replaced by cowardice. Making me involuntarily take a step backwards; my legs tremble with every second that passes by. Silence surrounds us, the chirping of a cricket and the wind blowing against the window is the only thing that can be heard.

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