Chapter 6- Kyle

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Chapter 6- Kyle


I woke up Saturday morning and felt the sunlight on my face. I stayed laying down for a few minutes, till I decided to get up and take a long shower. I had no plans for today so I decided just to go downstairs and watch TV. I needed to relax for a while from everything going on in my life. I think I was overreacting with the whole Max thing. As I sat there watching How I Met Your Mother my phone vibrated. I got a text from Kyle.

“Hey Rose just thought if you wanted to hang out tonight?”

I didn’t know why but I smiled and replied with a yeah.

 We decided on going to the movies and go for an ice cream afterwards. I was excited because I was starting to be back to my old self and let loose again. It was 10:00 a.m. so I had plenty of time to get ready. As I got dressed I got another text. This time it was from Max.

“Wanna come over tonight babe?”

I bit my lip, I knew he would be mad if I told him I was gonna go hang out with Kyle. I didn’t know why he was so mad at Kyle, I mean he did save me. Kyle was just a friend and Max couldn’t seem to understand that.

“I’m going to hang out with Kyle okay babe but can I come over tomorrow so we can have the whole day to ourselves?”

I waited for his response which took a while.

“I don’t know why your friends with Kyle, just caused he saved you do you think he’s the best person in the world?”

I felt hurt I mean yeah I liked talking to kyle cause I felt protected but he was very nice and funny once you got to know him. Max was starting to go too far with this jealousy act, because it was starting to hurt now.

“Well I’m sorry Max maybe next time I see my rapist I’ll tell him to wait so you can come and save me!”

I threw my phone to my bed and felt the tears in my eyes. No I wasn’t gonna cry! I have been crying too much lately and I’m not gonna give in this time.

I heard the ringtone that said Max was calling but I didn’t want to talk to him.  I knew if I answered I would probably say things I would regret later.

I finished getting ready and got into my car. I drove to the movies and texted Kyle that I was there. I saw him at the ticket line and went to him. He hugged me and said hi. We picked a funny movie because I wasn’t in the mood of watching anything else.

After the movie we went to the Ice Cream Shop next door. I order a strawberry ice cream and Kyle order a chocolate one. We started talking and we had our laughs then and there. Everything was going perfect.

I felt a buzz in my pocket. I wanted to ignore it but I didn’t want to keep on fighting with Max. I got my phone out and saw it was from a blocked number.

“ Just remember that no matter who you’re with no one can protect you from me because you’ll always be MINE”

A shiver went down my spine. It didn’t need to be signed for me to know who it was from. Kyle saw the blank and scared face I had on.

“Rose are you okay? What is it?”

I showed him the text and he tensed.

“Lets get out of here”

I nodded and he got up. I followed him and we went out to the parking lot. I noticed a paper in my wind shield. “ You can run but you can’t hide”

Kyle got the paper and ripped it to pieces. I could tell he was pissed. “Mother F*#$&% “ He swore out loud. I sighed I was so tired of everything and I was especially tired of HIM.

“I’m just gonna go home, it’s pretty late thanks Kyle I had a fun time. You sure kept things off my mind.”

He smiled, well I’m glad I at least helped make you smiled.”

We said our goodbyes and we each went our own ways. I got home and layed down on my bed. I checked my phone and saw I had 10 text from Max. I was slowly drifting to sleep when I got another text. It was from the blocked number again.

“Sweet dreams or should I say nightmares?”

I layed there awake and I couldn’t sleep at all. I just had to wait for the sun to rise one more time to start a new day of horror.


Gio's Note: Hey guys sorry for uploading so late... I had so many things going on. It's a short chapter but I hoped you enjoyed it!! Please vote and comment!!! Thanks love  you guys!!!

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