Chapter 11- Clary

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Chapter 11- Clary


I sat there in my bed thinking about how drastically my life had changed. I was raped on my birthday, Max and I had broken up, and now one of my friends had died; and it was all because of me. Why was this all happening to me I didn't understand! It felt like a dream, I wanted to wake up and see that Clary is perfectly fine. The truth was that it wasn't a dream, as much as I wanted it to be, and that's what hurt the most.

I sat there crying for nothing else will make me feel better because I had just lost a friend. Sadness filled my room; I was overwhelmed with everything that has been going on. I couldn't keep on going, I didn't know how. I saw my reflection and saw how the mascara was running down my face. I needed someone to come and put sense to me because there was no way I was going to continue my life like if nothing has changed.

Once the police had come rushing in to the farm house where we were in, they searched everywhere for my attacker but found nothing. Apparently he had already planned his escape route. They sent Kyle to the hospital to make sure his wounds from the car accident hadn't opened. I sat there watching how they took Clary's lifeless body away. Detective Benson drove me to the police station to answer questions. I felt like I wasn't fully there. I heard my voice answer the questions but somehow I felt like it just wasn't me.

Detective Benson drove me home afterward I answered the questions; as he pulled up on my driveway I saw my parents waiting outside with worried expressions on their faces. I got out of the car and ran towards them they hugged me tightly and I was just glad to be able to see them one more time. Detective Benson waved and drove off; there was a police car outside my house supervising so that my attacker wouldn't come. We went inside and I sat down on the couch with my dad. My mom had gone to the kitchen to make hot chocolate. After I finished my hot chocolate I had gone up stairs to my room where I was now sitting on my bed.

I couldn't sleep I didn't want to even try closing my eyes; I didn't want to find images of tonight go through my mind. I needed someone so bad, but I was so scared at the same time; I didn't want to hurt anyone else. It took me one long hour to finally decide to call Annie.  “ROSE! Oh my gosh are you okay? I saw what happened in the news.” I fell silent I knew it would come out in the news but did didn’t mentioned that Clary had died. I had to tell her but I didn’t want to tell her through the phone. “Annie… can you spend the night with me?” I asked trying not to sound so broken and lost. “Of course Rose. I’ll be there in a bit” I smiled and felt a tear roll down my face. “Thanks” I said and hung up.

Annie was my best friend and I needed her so much. I felt lost more than ever; I didn’t know how to be able to go to class like if I was normal, because I wasn’t and HE had made sure of that. I brushed back my tears, I wasn’t going to cry! HE didn’t deserve my tears; I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of breaking me. I need to be strong and I knew Annie would be the person to help me stand once again.

My phone buzzed I had a new message; I have to say I was scared to check who it was. I took a big breath a saw that the text was from Annie. I let the breath out and relaxed, it said she was outside. I went down the stairs and straight to the door. I opened and saw Annie getting off her car. I heard thunder and turned my head up; it’s going to be one mighty storm. I felt a few sprinkles coming down every second that went by the rain got harder. Annie came running into the house.

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