Dreams... Or Life? (Helnik)

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"I'm not intending to die anytime soon Nina. I wouldn't leave you for the world." Matthias put his hand on top of Nina's and smiled at her.

Nina leaned in close to Matthias and reached out for a hug.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and he held her tight. She was so glad, Matthias wasn't going to die, he wasn't going to-

Nina woke up with her blanket all in a tangle. She felt so happy, like all the weight had been-

She sighed. "Dammit! It was a dream!" The dream felt so real. So happy, like Matthias really was there. Like she could feel his strong arms around her again-

"What was a dream?" A deep voice asked quietly from behind her. Nina jumped off the bed and held her hands out, ready to squeeze the living daylights out of-

"MATTHIAS!" Nina wouldn't care for the whole world if bringing the dead back to life was unreal, her love was standing right in front of her, like nothing ever happened.

She flung her arms around him and he hugged her back.

"Matthias" she whispered hoarsely. "Are you real?" Matthias nodded his head. "As real as I'll ever be." He whispered back.

They stayed in that hugging position for so long, Nina lost track of time. Only when Matthias pulled apart, did she come out of her daze.

He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a piece paper. "Here." He said simply. Nina took it, and opened it gingerly.


I probably should have left him floating in the ocean, but I know how much this Fjierdan man means to you.

Next time you decide to give someone a funeral, make sure they are completely dead first my dear.


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