Chapter 27

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I woke up early due to the excitement of our little getaway. And guess where we are going....


The weather is too hot, and apparently Noah and Matt, they say and I quote "We have been deprived of babes and bikinis." They believe that after seeing their sexy bodies on the beach, girls will be drooling and swooning over them. Their words, not mine.

After all the hustle and bustle, importantly enduring Noah's singing, or more like screeching, we reached our destination. And no, Cassandra didn't show up. But I guess we made peace now.

The house in front of us was marvellous.

"It's so beautiful," Ella gushed.

"This is where we are going to stay," Mark announced.

The boys took the responsibility to organise and plan everything, and after seeing the inside of the house, I must say that they did an excellent job.

Time skip to two days later...

This is our last night here. We all are huddled around the campfire on the private beach, which is connected to the house. The past two days were the best. We visited all the beaches, raced in the speedboat, took a stroll in the local area. We did everything we could do and had a lot of fun.

And if you want to know whether Noah and Matt were successful in their plan, then it's a big NO.

Blake had me wrapped around his arms, and all the couples were in the same position. Matt and Noah were mimicking us. The sound of waves crashing was peaceful, with the moon shining bright above us.

"I wish we could stay here like this," Ella said, and everyone agreed.

We spent the night talking and reliving all our best days.

It was time to say goodbye and get back to our usual lives. After the long road trip, Blake dropped me home but not without a breathtaking kiss.

"Hi honey, how was your trip?" Mom asked.

"Best," I replied.

"Freshen up and come, we have something for you," Dad announced.

So I quickly went down after taking a bath. Mom and Dad were waiting for me in the living room. I went and sat between them. Our relationship has improved a lot now.

"So you've got a letter. And it's from..." Mom was cut off by Dad. "Give her the letter, let her see for herself." Dad took the letter from Mom and gave it to me.

"You're spoiling the suspense," Mom complained.

I was puzzled. What is this all about? It was just a plain envelope with a letter inside.

"Come on, open it," my parents encouraged me to look inside.

I took the letter, quickly skimmed through the contents. "OMG!!!" I hugged my parents.

"I got accepted into college," I shouted.

"Yes, honey. You did," Mom gave me a hug again.

"We are sorry for all these years, but we were always proud of you, my pumpkin," Dad said with so much adoration. I started crying.

After that, I ran to my room to call my friends. We were all on a FaceTime call when a big shocker of our lives happened.

"Did you all get the letter from Uni?" Mark asked.

Everyone nodded a yes.

"So, did you all get selected?" Emma asked now.


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