Chapter 18

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It was the first day of school as Blake's girlfriend, so I thought of breaking the stereotypes and went to pick him up for school. It took quite a lot of bribing Noah for his address. I debated whether to ring the bell or call him. So I decided to send him a text to come out.

"Omg, what are you doing here?" He gave me a hug.

"I am here to drive you, my lady." I gave a small bow and opened the car door for him. He had a scowl now.

"You know, I need to be doing all this." He gave a pout.

"Don't be grumpy. You can do it next time." I blew him a flying kiss.

"No, that's not enough. I will take my share afterward." He kept poking me the whole ride.

Finally, we were at school. All of our friends were waiting for us, and they were staring, no, more like glaring at me. What did I do now? Then it hit me. I forgot to contact them after the incident at the party.

"Ow." The girls hit me first and then gave me a bone-crushing hug.

"How dare you forget to contact us?"

"Do you know how scared we were?"

"Don't do this next time."

"I'm really sorry, guys. I completely forgot about it. I am sorry. I thought Blake would have informed." I turned to him, and he gave a shrug.

"Don't worry. We wouldn't let anything happen to you," Matt reassured. Soon, it turned into a group hug.

Blake gave a small peck on my lips and went to see the coach for the upcoming game. I turned to see all our friends with their mouths open in shock, except Noah.

That jerk left me all alone to explain it. I tried to act cool. "What, guys?" I asked casually.

"Don't you dare 'what us,' tell us everything," they chorused. They wouldn't back down, so I told them everything. I even told the boys about the incident. They are my friends now, so they deserve to know. The girls were squealing. The boys had a smug smile. Noah was grinning from ear to ear.

"You all owe me 50 bucks," Noah declared triumphantly.

My mouth hung open in disbelief. "You all made a bet on us?"

"Come on, babydoll. Don't be upset now," Noah cooed, trying to play it cool. I shot him a sharp glare.

School was finally over. We decided to visit the ice cream shop. The bell jingled as we entered, and the sweet aroma of freshly made waffle cones filled the air. We indulged in our favourite flavours, creating a delightful end to the day, sprinkled with laughter and shared scoops of happiness. As we parted ways, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow.

I was Blake's ride home. "I am driving," he declared, taking the keys from me. We headed to his house, and I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. This was the first time I would be meeting his family. As we approached, my anxiety heightened.

His mom opened the door. "Mom, this is Crystal. My girlfriend," Blake said sheepishly.

"Hi, Mrs. Lanter," my voice came out small.

"Such a lovely girl. Thank God, I thought you wouldn't stop your player ways. Oh, by the way, call me Tressa. Mrs. Lanter feels old," she said warmly, giving me a hug that surprised me. She was so sweet. Tressa went to get us some snacks, leaving me to absorb the unexpected warmth of the Lanter household.

"Blakeyyy." I heard a tiny voice and the pitter-patter of little footsteps. To my surprise, a small whirlwind of energy, approximately 5 years old, zoomed in and leaped onto Blake. He had a sister. News to me.

"Blakey, who is this girl?" she asked, her eyes wide with a mix of curiosity and a hint of suspicion.

"Hi, angel. I'm Crystal," I said with a friendly smile, extending my hand. She eyed me warily and, decided I was probably safe and muttered a small, shy hi.

With his mom and little Aria off for a shopping adventure, we headed up to Blake's room.

"So, where were we?" He asked with an evil smile, coming closer. I backed up until the wall hit me.

He kept his hands on both sides, caging me. Closing the distance, he planted his lips on mine. As always, sparks flew through my body. I could never get enough of his kisses. He was the best kisser. With a swift motion, he lifted me up and threw me on the bed.

"You look beautiful," he whispered, kissing me with so much love. My hands found their way into his hair, which was surprisingly soft and silky. His hands roamed throughout my body, sending shivers down my spine. A small moan escaped my lips, encouraging him to press harder. I placed my hand on his torso, eliciting a groan from him. He then went on to suck on my sweet spot, sending shivers running through my body.

The magical moment had to end abruptly because of his phone ringing. I picked it up for him, and it turned out to be Noah. He called to whine about being the lone wolf in our gang, and the call ended promptly after Blake threatened to kill him. We could never quite understand this guy.

I left for home as it was getting late. He was reluctant to let me drive alone, but he eventually agreed.

Most of the school still doesn't know about us. Just wait until Cassandra gets wind of it, that's when the real drama begins.

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-Love J.

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