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My peaceful beauty sleep was abruptly interrupted as someone mercilessly yanked my covers away. Groaning, I reluctantly opened my eyes to identify the intruder.

"Get your lazy ass out of bed," Matt's voice bellowed.

"Let me sleep for a bit longer, please," I whined, attempting to salvage the remnants of my interrupted slumber.

"Gummy bear, we have only 20 minutes for school," Matt exclaimed, with that I got ready in record time. Downstairs, Matt waited for me, and together we devoured our breakfast real quick, before heading to school. Yet, we ended up being late.By the time we arrived, most students had already made their way to their classes. Hastily, we sprinted to our respective classrooms. Thankfully, it being my first tardy incident, Mr. John let me off with a warning.

Entering the classroom, I scanned for an empty seat.To my dismay, only one seat was available but guess who was sitting next to it? Yes, it's our beloved badboy.


With no other option unless I planned to stand through the entire class, II had to sit next to him. I reluctantly took the seat next to him. Letting out a sigh, I settled in.

"Hi, Cupcake," he smirked, offering a sweet yet unmistakably fake smile.

I shot him a glare and attempted to concentrate on Mr. John's lecture, but a certain someone was determined not to let me. He poked my cheeks.

"What?" I asked, clearly irritated.

"Cupcake, do you have an extra pencil?" he asked sheepishly.

"You already have one in your hand," I pointed out, gesturing to the pencil firmly clutched in his grip.

"Oh, then do you have an extra pen?" What is wrong with him?turned to him, ready to yell at him.

"Mr. Lanter and Ms. Grey, do you care to share what you both are discussing with the class?" he asked sternly.

"Sorry, it won't happen again," I apologised, shooting one hard glare at Blake, effectively silencing him before he could utter some nonsense. The remainder of the class passed without any further disturbances from Blake, for which I was truly thankful. As soon as the bell rang, I swiftly gathered my things, eager to make a quick exit.

"Mr. Lanter and Ms. Grey, could you both please stay back? I need to have a word with you," Mr. John requested.

As we waited for the class to empty, uncertainty lingered about what he wanted to discuss.

"Ms. Grey, given your academic excellence, I would like you to assist Mr. Lanter with his studies," Mr. John stated, as the words came out from his mouth, I was glued to my spot. Before I could decline, Blake bet me to it.

She would definitely love that, after all, that's what friends do. Help each other. Ain't I right, Crystal?" he said, I sent daggers at him but reluctantly gave a nod in response.

"Thank you, Ms. Grey. You both may go now," Mr. John dismissed us.

"What was that?" I asked Blake once we were outside the classroom. "What?" he replied innocently. "Since when did we become friends?"

"You hurt me. I thought we're friends, cupcake," he exclaimed, clutching his heart dramatically.

*drama queen*

"First of all, my name is Crystal," I retorted, narrowing my eyes at him.

"But I prefer calling you cupcake," he shrugged casually and walked away.

I was still reeling from what had just happened when I was abruptly pulled back to reality by the twins screaming. Both of them were shouting about what they had just witnessed.

"What just happened here?" Emma asked excitedly. "You're a lucky girl," Ella added, to which I rolled my eyes.

I really didn't answer them , and we headed to our respective classes. At lunch, we gathered at our usual table, but soon my mood took a nosedive.

"Blake spoke to Crystal," Emma announced, capturing everyone's attention at our table. "What?" Matt asked in disbelief. Why was it so unbelievable?

I knew they wouldn't leave me alone until I explained everything. Once I finished recounting the encounter, the girls were genuinely excited, whereas the boys wore expressions of disapproval.

"He's a player. Be safe, gummy bear," Matt said softly. "Thanks, Matt," I replied, giving him a side hug.

Matt had some important work to finish so he left early and my friends left early as well, leaving me to embrace the thrilling adventure of solo walking.But hold up, the universe had other plans. The sound of a motorcycle pulling up caught my attention. Ignoring it initially, I soon realised that the person was none other than our lover-boy, more aptly described as the player-boy.

"Want a ride, Princess?" he offered, looking way too pleased with himself.

"Why not?" I reply, shocking both of us. "I thought you would say no," he admitted.

He still looks like he's trying to process my casual acceptance. "I've never ridden on a bike. Always wanted to. So, before I change my mind, let's hit the road." I replied casually.

"Hold on tight, Princess," he smirked.

Now, I initially tried to maintain some distance, but the guy's going full throttle, and suddenly, my arms are wrapped around his torso for dear life. I gotta admit, the dude's got the abs of a Greek god. Couldn't help but hold on a bit tighter.

"I bet you're enjoying this position," he chuckles, cheeky as ever.

"Don't think too highly of yourself" I shot back.

We miraculously made it to my house in one piece. I couldn't help but admit, "The ride was actually not terrible, thanks, Blake."

"Wanna ride again?" he winked, prompting an eye roll from me.

I returned his helmet back and gave a small smile.

"See you tomorrow, Princess." With that, he rode off.

As I swung open the door, the heavenly aroma of pasta wafted through the air and hit me like a delicious punch in the face. Now, let me make one thing clear – I'm hungry most of the time, and I devour food like a tornado sweeping through a snack aisle still, my metabolism plays hide and seek with gaining weight. I'm not kidding, folks; I'm a walking paradox.

"Martha, you're a culinary superhero!" I declared, giving her a dramatic hug. She was practically my second mom, considering my actual parents were MIA. My father, the almighty CEO of Wilson and CO., and my mother, the equally powerful Co-CEO, were more acquainted with business trips than family dinners.Martha, on the other hand, was the beacon of care and culinary excellence in my life.

"Someone's hungry, I see," Martha quipped, a knowing smile playing on her lips as she dished up my dinner.

I devoured my meal like I hadn't seen food in a week. Martha's cooking had that effect on me. Once the food coma settled in, I wobbled upstairs to my room. Reflecting on the day's shenanigans, I couldn't help but wonder if my life was a sitcom in the making. With that absurd thought, I drifted into a slumber, hoping tomorrow's episode would be just as entertaining.

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