Chapter - 8

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Heyy my lovely cupcakes!

I know it's been a long time. I was busy with my school work. So here's an update!

I couldn't contain my excitement for the day ahead. The parking lot was buzzing with all my friends engaged in lively conversations. The so-called Greek Gods parked their cars at the far end, ensuring they garnered the least attention. Amidst the chatter, Noah was the first to spot me.

"Oh, my baby-doll," he exclaimed, rushing towards me with outstretched arms, only to be swiftly pushed back by Blake.

"Not happening," Blake declared, delivering a well-timed smack to Noah's head while shooting him a menacing glare. Noah, always the resilient one, simply chuckled and shrugged it off.

It felt strange that Cassandra was nowhere to be seen. Usually, she would be hovering around Blake, vying for his attention. Every time I witnessed that, it felt like my blood was about to boil, and I'd entertain thoughts of chopping her head off. Wait, why am I thinking like this? Something must be wrong with me. I pushed aside the thoughts about Cassandra as the bell rang.

"Time for classes," Emma announced, pulling me along to the hallway with our friends following. As we made our way through the crowded corridor, Blake reached for my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine. I looked up to catch his eye, and he winked before playfully dragging me further into the bustling hallway.

I became the school's sudden sensation after Cassandra's incident. The moment we stepped in, the gossip mill went into overdrive, and the laser-focused stares at Blake's and my intertwined hands could rival a spotlight. I decided to play the ignore game. After all, I was slowly becoming accustomed to the spotlight.

"Looks like someone's getting popular." Matt whispered in my ear with a grin. I rolled my eyes and promptly elbowed him.

Fortunately, the school's management seemed blissfully unaware of that little stunt, saving me from potential trouble. Everywhere I went, people either gave me glances or engaged in hushed conversations about the incident. The classes seemed to zoom by, and before I knew it, it was lunchtime.

I flopped down between Matt and Blake, resting my head on Matt's shoulder. From the corner of my eye, I could practically see Blake's hands clenching into fists. I didn't pay much attention to it, though. I was too exhausted from all the unwanted attention.

"There's a party!" Noah exclaimed, his excitement matching that of a child.

"Whose party is it?" Jessie asked, excitement evident in her voice.

"Joshua's from the basketball team."

"We're so going," the twins screamed in unison.

"Girls, spare my poor little ears," I said, wincing and covering them dramatically.

"Oh, come on, Crys. Don't be a party pooper," Ella rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. I'm not coming," I declared firmly, and I could hear a symphony of groans from them.

"Matt, you know everything. I'm not coming, that's final." With that said, I dramatically stormed out of the cafeteria, leaving behind the echo of their disappointed groans.

I distanced myself from my friends, avoiding them like a plague. I knew I was being mean, but it was my way of dealing with the situation. Once home, I headed straight upstairs and locked myself in my room.

Memories from the past flooded my mind, and all I could do was cry. I felt utterly broken. A knock on my door interrupted my emotional turmoil. I opened it to find Blake standing there, his bag slung over his shoulder, concern etched on his face.

"Cupcake, what happened?" Blake asked, his voice tinged with concern and fear.

I fed him with silence, unable to find the words to express the storm of emotions within me.

"Were you crying?" He inquired again, stepping closer.

Again, silence. I went and sat on my bed avoiding eye contact, the weight of my emotions pressing down on me.

"Can you please open that little mouth of yours and answer?" he said, raising his voice slightly with a touch of anger. But his eyes betrayed the true emotion, concern. At that moment, I couldn't hold back any longer. I broke down in front of him, my emotions pouring out in a flood of tears and words unsaid.

He quickly enveloped me in a comforting hug, and I felt a sense of safety in his arms. The room fell into a comforting silence, the only sound being my sobs. Blake held me tightly, offering a sense of solace.

"It's okay. Everything will be alright, princess," he reassured me, kissing my hair. His fingers traced soothing circles on my back. I was grateful that he didn't push me for more details.

After all, the bad boy isn't that bad, I thought. My face was undoubtedly puffy from all the crying, and my tears had run dry. We both remained in silence, but it wasn't awkward. He never let go of his embrace. Soon, my eyelids grew heavy. Darkness overtook me as I succumbed to sleep in the warmth of his comforting embrace.


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*Bear hugs*

-Love J.

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