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Last chapter was short because I have my exams going on. I made sure this chapter is quite long. Please vote and share.

Happy reading!


 Never in my life had my bed felt so inviting and comfortable. The warmth enveloped me, and I found myself sinking into a sense of tranquility that I hadn't experienced before. The bed, once just a piece of furniture, now felt like a haven of warmth and comfort. I revelled in the coziness, my eyes still shut, blissfully unaware of my surroundings.

Nestling deeper into the embrace of the bed, I marvelled at the unprecedented serenity that had settled over me. It was a sensation I had never experienced before, a serene calm that seemed to permeate every fibre of my being. The allure of this tranquility was so captivating that, for a moment, I entertained the thought of wanting to stay in this state forever.

In the midst of this surreal comfort, I shifted positions, still with my eyes blissfully closed. However, my moment of bliss took an unexpected turn when I collided with an unexpected solidity. Initially, I dismissed it as a misplaced pillow, but with a slow unveiling of my eyes, adjusting to the gentle sunlight filtering through, my widened gaze fell upon the unexpected presence that had disrupted my serene morning. The blood drained from my face as the revelation unfolded, leaving me in stunned disbelief at the unexpected and alarming sight that greeted me.


As I gradually became aware of my surroundings, I realised that Blake was sound asleep right beside me. Half of my body was pressed against his chest, and his arms were snugly wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer. In that vulnerable state of slumber, he seemed oddly innocent.

I couldn't help but wonder about the unusual proximity, my mind racing with a series of bewildering thoughts. However, I shook off the distracting musings. Why was I even thinking about this?

I decided to extract myself from the unforeseen cuddle, attempting a swift getaway. Little did I know, my attempt at a graceful exit turned into a less-than-graceful tumble as I slipped out of his grasp and landed unceremoniously on the floor.

The abrupt thud startled Blake awake, and I couldn't help but feel a flush of embarrassment as our eyes met. The serene morning had taken an amusing turn, and there we were, caught in a moment of unintentional morning chaos.

Blake greeted me with a casual "Morning, Princess" in his beautiful sleepy voice. My thoughts were in disarray; I shouldn't be getting flustered over his morning greeting. I scolded myself for entertaining such notions. Standing there, caught in a moment of morning awkwardness, I found myself at a loss for what to do.

I couldn't help but wonder how on earth we had ended up in my bedroom when we were abruptly interrupted by the creaking sound of my bedroom door swinging open.

To my dismay, my mom walked in, and her eyes widened as she took in the scene, me and Blake in my room. Of course, she chose today to be home. Just great.

"Crystal, you didn't tell me you have a boyfriend?" she exclaimed, and I couldn't believe the timing.

"What? Mom, no. It's not...Blake... he's just my friend." I surprised myself with that admission. When did I start considering him a friend?

"Okay," my mom replied, but her tone suggested she wasn't entirely convinced. After the brief reunion, Blake and I sharing a glance of mild embarrassment and we descended the stairs for breakfast. I handed Blake a spare toothbrush, and soon we found ourselves at the breakfast table.

"Thank you for breakfast, Mrs. Grey." Blake expressed his gratitude, was taken aback, even the notorious bad boy seemed to have a grasp of manners.

My mom, apparently not one for formality, chimed in, "Oh darling, call us Julia. Mrs. Grey sounds old."

"Okay. I'll take leave now. See you soon, Julia. Bye." With that, he made his exit, giving me a small nod.

"How was your trip?" I inquired, feeling a bit bored and uncertain about what else to discuss with her.

"Usual," she replied, a hint of routine in her voice.

"And where's dad?" I asked, my nerves creeping up. Mom must have sensed my unease.

"He's upstairs in the office," she answered, and I couldn't shake off the apprehension of having my father in the house.

"Don't worry, darling. He'll change," my mom assured me, but I couldn't shake off the skepticism. I shook my head and decided to head upstairs to my room.

On my way, I paused outside her room, which was right beside mine. Tentatively, I entered and found that nothing had changed. The room still held the everything in place frozen in time just like when she left. It was a brief walk down memory lane, but I quickly brushed those sentiments away.

Getting ready, I prepared to visit Matt's house. The presence of my dad at home made me cautious about potential conflicts. It's not that I don't like him, I just didn't want to make things worse than they already were.

His house was not far from mine, and as I rang the doorbell, Elsa, Matt's little sister, excitedly opened the door.

"Crystal!" I exclaimed, jumping into my arms. I caught her, smiling.

"Elsa, my darling!" I ruffled her hair, and she giggled.

Their house felt like a second home. Everyone here treated me like family, especially Elsa, who adored me. Matt's parents welcomed me as if I were their own daughter.

"Darling, you're finally here." Mr. Anderson, Matt's dad, pulled me into a bear hug. Interestingly, he's my dad's business partner. However, unlike my father, he prioritises family and is often at home. It's hard to believe he's a businessman when you see how much time he spends with his family. Yet, his warmth and affection are always evident.

"Okay. I have to go. See you soon." I smiled and nodded my head.

"Mom has prepared yummy cookies. Come with me." Elsa pulled me towards the kitchen, where Matt was also hanging out.

"Gummy bear." I hugged Matt.

"Crystal, you came after a long time. I'm happy. Come, now taste my cookies." Ally Matt's mother said cheerfully enveloping me in a hug.Matt was busy feeding his little sister, and I was engaged in a conversation with Ally. Matt has always been protective of his sister and me. After enjoying some cookies, we headed up to Matt's room.

"What happened, gummy bear?" Matt's voice was filled with concern, always quick to notice when something was bothering me.

"My family's back home," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. Matt enveloped me in a comforting hug.

"Don't worry, gummy bear. Everything will change soon," he reassured me. I nodded, finding solace in his words.

"So, what's up with that Blake?" Matt asked out of the blue.

"Nothing, Matt. We're just friends," I responded, a bit too hastily.

"As you say so," he teased, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Matt, there's nothing between us."

"I'm just worried, Crystal. He's a bad boy. I don't want you to get hurt." His protective nature surfaced, and I appreciated the genuine concern he had for me.

"I understand. Nothing will happen, Matt. Relax," I assured him with a smile. This was how I ended up at his place, using my designated room whenever I stayed over. Spending the night here allowed me to avoid my dad, and I genuinely hoped that things would change for the better soon.

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