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I was rudely awakened by the persistent chime of the doorbell. Glancing at the clock, I groaned—it was just 9 a.m. Who in their right mind pays a surprise visit on a Saturday morning? Marta was off to see her family, leaving me in solitude. Before I could gather the energy to get up and answer, the unmistakable sound of approaching footsteps reached my ears. Suddenly, my room door burst open.

"Gummy bear." Matt panted heavily in the doorway.

"How did you even get in?" I questioned, still half-asleep.

"I have the spare keys," he replied with a nonchalant grin.

"Then why the hell were you ringing the doorbell?" I shot him a pointed glare.

"I forgot. Btw, I need your help." he said, casually settling into the bed next to me.

"What happened, Matt?" I sighed, rising from the bed.

"I want your help to tackle this Math test."

"So Math was the emergency at this ungodly hour?" I quipped, giving him a boring look.

Matt and Math, a duo that never found their groove, like a clumsy waltz missing a beat. Wow, that rhymed. I embarked on the brave mission of untangling the numerical web that seemed to ensnare him. Through hours of teaching, interspersed with delightful snacking (because snacks make everything better), we persevered. I triumphantly concluded the tutoring session.

"Thank you, gummy bear," he grinned, ruffling my hair. I shot him a mock glare before he scurried off, claiming he had errands to run. I closed the door and headed back upstairs, only to be greeted by the persistent doorbell once again. Now, who on earth could it be?

Opening the door, I was met with the sight of the infamous playboy, Blake. Simultaneously, Matt reappeared, having returned for his forgotten keys. The timing couldn't be more appropriate.

"Why is he here?" Matt asked sternly.

Uh-oh, I might've skipped the part about tutoring sessions with Blake. It is my way of avoiding unnecessary attention. I'm already in the spotlight thanks to a certain someone, and I certainly didn't need more drama.

"I have to tutor him, Matt," I explained, and he shot me a you-have-to-explain look. Matt could be so overprotective sometimes, but I just rolled my eyes. After a stern glance, Matt left, leaving Blake and me to our study session. I led Blake upstairs to my room. No, it's not what you all are thinking, it was indeed for studying contrary to any wild assumptions.

"Your room looks amazing," Blake remarked, scanning the surroundings.

"Thanks," I replied, settling onto the bed.

"Are you staying alone?" he inquired, raising his eyebrows.

"No, my parents are on their business trip," I shrugged. It had become a recurring theme in my life.

"So, let's get started, Princess." Blake said cheerfully. When was he ever this enthusiastic about studying?

So, in case you're picturing some extravagant mansion, let me burst that bubble. My house is like any normal home, just a bit bigger. Sure, my dad's a CEO and all that, but we don't live in a mansion. We prefer a house with character, not just a place where you need GPS to find your way from the living room to the bathroom.This place is packed with memories, and honestly, I'm not trading that for anything. Plus, I'm not exactly a fan of living the high life, so here we are, embracing the charm of our not-so-humble abode.

Tutoring Blake was no walk in the park. It was like trying to fill a black hole with knowledge, nothing seemed to stick in his thick head. The guy was in his own world, looking around, playing with his pencil, basically doing everything except paying attention to what I was saying. After hours and hours of this struggle, I somehow managed to cram a bit of information into his brain.

By the time we were done, we were both exhausted. So, instead of pushing our luck with more studying, we decided to reward ourselves for surviving this academic ordeal, we decided to take a break. We settled in the living room to watch The Big Bang Theory and, of course, ordered some pizza. Because, let's be real, pizza is the ultimate brain food for exhausted tutors and stubborn students alike.

"You know, for someone good-looking, you definitely don't have the brains," he responded with a cheeky smile.

"So, you accept that I am looking good." I replied, shaking my head at his ego. I couldn't help but facepalm.


"Aww, Princess. I know it's hard to resist my charms." He attempted to hug me, but I pushed him away with a playful shove. To my surprise, he dramatically tumbled backward and landed on the floor with an exaggerated thud

As Blake lay there, feigning defeat, I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.He playfully grumbled about being wounded, his theatrics making me roll my eyes.

After that, he sulked for a while, behaving like a rejected baby because I had refused his hug. As my eyelids grew heavy, I found myself in the peculiar yet strangely comforting situation of falling asleep next to the sulking Blake.

The room was filled with the soft glow of the TV, casting a warm ambiance that underscored the unexpected camaraderie that had developed between us. Little did I know that this seemingly ordinary night would become a turning point, setting the stage for a series of unpredictable escapades in the days to come.

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