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To my surprise, I awoke early, my mind still consumed by thoughts of the unexpected kiss with Blake. A realisation dawned on me, was I starting to develop feelings for him? The question lingered as I prepared for school, opting for a black jeans-and-grey T-shirt ensemble adorned with a bold NY in the centre. With these contemplations, I descended to the kitchen, ready to face the day with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty.

"Morning sweetheart," my mom greeted with a sweet smile. I embraced her, savouring the warmth of the moment.

"Morning, Mom," I replied, my mind drifting back to the times when these small gestures were a part of our everyday routine. Her next words pulled me back to the present. "I know it's hard for you. Sorry, sweetie. I couldn't spend more time with you," she apologised, and a tinge of sadness lingered in her voice. Her words resonated, acknowledging the undeniable truth that our bond had shifted, leaving a void in our connection from the way it used to be.

"It's okay, Mom. I understand." I heard someone clear their throat behind me, and I tensed immediately, recognising the familiar sound. He came and sat opposite to me.

"How are your studies going?" He hissed at me. Wow, not even a simple "How are you?" Of course, what else can I expect.

"I-it's-go-going-goo-d." I stuttered, uneasy under his scrutinising gaze.

"It better be," he said coldly.

"Be a little polite, Wilson," Mom interjected, giving me a pitying look. I managed a small smile. He just glared at me and left. Dad was never like this before. He used to love me so much, but unfortunately, everything has changed now. I was on the verge of tears at the memory. Before I could break down, Mom hugged me.

"It's okay, dear. Everything will be alright," she said, running a hand through my hair reassuringly. I nodded and left for school.

I parked my car in the usual spot and made my way to see my friends. The twins were missing. Matt engulfed me in a hug.

"Are you okay, gummy bear?" Matt asked in concern.

"How dare she behave like that to you!" Jessie yelled in anger.

"I wouldn't spare her if only she wasn't a girl," Mark gritted. Of course, Blake would have told them about the incident with Cassandra. I smiled at them. That's how lucky I am to have them as my friends.

"It's not a problem, guys. Leave it." They weren't entirely convinced with my answer, so I quickly changed the subject.

"At their class. They have some work," Jessie replied. I nodded. The warning bell rang, and we separated to go to our respective classes.

As I headed to the cafeteria after classes, I was surprised to find my locker surrounded by my friends, including Blake and his gang. The two groups had merged into one, seemingly forming a united front. I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows at this unexpected camaraderie. It was an intriguing development, making me wonder how these dynamics would continue to unfold.

"Oh, my baby-doll." Noah came and hugged me but was soon pulled by Blake. Noah smirked at him. Blake sent a death glare towards him. And soon the twins bombarded me with questions.

"How can she even do that?" Emma fumed, her hand clenched into a fist. Noah pulled me out of the school building to the parking followed by my friends.

"Where are we going?" I asked, confused.

"No one messes with my baby-doll," Noah replied casually, taking my hand. Blake snatched me away from him, and Noah chuckled. We stood before Cassandra's red mustang. Parker appeared with a bucket of glitter, and mischievous grins adorned my friends' faces. Raymond expertly unlocked the car, and they gleefully poured glitter inside. I gasped. Cassandra's car, her beloved baby, was now shimmering more than ever, thanks to our glittery intervention. She cared more for that car than for humans.

"What are you doing?" I asked in disbelief.

"This is what happens if anyone messes with you." Blake said dearly.

"But.." I was cut off by Noah. "Baby-doll, she'll have no clue about it. Savour the impending fun." Noah interjected

"Yes, she deserves it." Emma and Ella, echoing in unison, proclaimed.

"I'm really excited to see her reaction." Matt chuckled.

"It would be priceless." Raymond said laughing heartily.

Gathering near the boys' car, strategically positioned opposite Cassandra's cherished vehicle, we braced ourselves for the spectacle. As the classes concluded, the air buzzed with excitement.

"Oh hush... she's coming." Jessie, assuming the role of a conspirator, hushed us with a finger on her lips as she spotted Cassandra approaching, signalling the commencement of our prank.

"Hey there, Blake," with a seductive tone. But Blake's face screamed 'disgust,' and he swerved into full-ignore mode. He pulled me into an embrace and planted a kiss on my cheek. I was pretty sure I was blushing so hard that I turned into a tomato right then and there.

She strutted to her car, shooting me a glare. Oblivious to the glitters, she hopped in, still drooling over Blake. We fought back the urge to burst into laughter, but it was nearly impossible. There she was, sparkling like a disco ball, completely oblivious to the fact that she had turned into a human glitter bomb. Noah's laughter echoed loudly that summoned a curious crowd within seconds.The pinnacle of hilarity arrived when she let out a scream that could shatter glass, her high-pitched Barbie voice reaching new heights.

"You'll pay for it," she hissed at me before storming off.

"That was absolutely worth it," the twins chimed in unison, sharing a mischievous glance.

"It's all for my baby-doll," Noah grinned, approaching me with open arms.

"Stay away," Blake intervened, pushing Noah back and shooting him a stern glare. Unfazed, Noah simply chuckled, seemingly impervious to Blake's attempts at intimidation.

"Let's head home now," Matt announced, walking with me until we reached my car. Today had been quite the rollercoaster, but having friends like them made it all worthwhile. Blake and his crew had also grown close to me, particularly Blake himself. I couldn't quite define what we were, but I liked it.

I reached home and went upstairs, changed into comfortable clothes, and couldn't help but recall the morning encounter with my dad, letting out a sigh. I hoped that things would change for the better soon.

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