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It was a blissful moment, of course, promptly ruined by the insistent ringing of my phone. Why couldn't they let me enjoy this peaceful moment with Blake? No, it had to be ruined.

"It's Matt," I groaned, waving my phone to Blake.

"Hello, Matt."

"Gummy bear," his voice was almost a whisper.

"Why are you whispering?"

"Because I don't want to get caught."

"And why don't you wanna get caught?"

"Because we're playing h-hide and se-e-ek," he hiccupped.

I rolled my eyes, and Blake, who had been eavesdropping on our conversation, couldn't contain his laughter. "Hide and seek? Really, Matt?" Blake chuckled. "You're a grown man."

"I'm a child at heart," Matt declared with a hiccup.

"We're coming to pick you guys. Hold on."

"Come, let's go," with that, I pulled Blake with me.

Is it wrong to wear a thin sleeveless top in cold weather? Definitely, because I am a shivering mess right now.

"You're cold. Here, wear this," Blake gave me his jacket.

"No, you'll feel cold. I'm fine."

He shrugged and made me wear it, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me incredibly close. His touch was electric, and butterflies started their magic in my stomach.

He moved even closer and sucked my earlobe. "I don't feel cold anymore," he whispered, and we walked to his car. I couldn't wipe that smile off my face.

We reached the destination to see Noah and Matt lying together on the road.

"What's happening here?" Blake asked, looking at the chaotic scene.

"Baby doll!" Noah shouted and squealed like a two-year-old, enveloping me in a hug.

"What are you doing?" Blake asked in an irritated tone.

Noah pulled away from me and pinched Blake's cheeks. "Baby doll, look, Blakey boy is jealous." Noah winked at me. I burst into laughter.

"Where are the others?" I asked, confused. Just in time, I received a text from the others saying that Jessie and Mark left together, and the twins left with the boys somewhere.

I just showed the message to Blake and he raised an eyebrow. "Looks like our friends are having their own little adventure," he remarked with a smirk.

"Then let's get these two home," Blake said, a hint of exasperation in his voice.

Throughout the ride, Noah and Matt kept up their bickering and shouting.

"Stop, you two, else I will dump you both somewhere," Blake groaned

They kept quiet for a few minutes, and just when the semblance of peace returned, they started again.

"Baby doll, look, there are flying pigs!" Noah exclaimed.

"With polka dots," added Matt, as if confirming the existence of these fantastical creatures.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. We finally reached my house, and Blake, displaying superhero strength, somehow managed to dump both of them in a guest room.

"Drink this milk, cupcake," Blake said as he entered my room with a glass. I quietly drank the milk he gave. I was tired and sleepy. He pulled the covers up.

"Good night, sweetheart," he planted a kiss on my forehead and prepared to make his exit.

But in my half-asleep state, a burst of bravery surged within me. I don't know why, but I reached out and grabbed his hand.

"Stay," I mumbled, my words barely audible as I succumbed to the sweet embrace of slumber.

He joined me in the bed, and we both slept cuddling, creating an unintentional masterpiece of sleep art.

The next morning, the sun was shining bright, casting a warm glow across the room. I woke up feeling like I had just emerged from a fairy-tale slumber. Turning to my side, I couldn't help but smile as I gazed at Blake, who was still peacefully lost in dreams.

His features softened in sleep, and he looked like a portrait of tranquility. I gently played with his hair, each strand feeling like a delicate thread woven into a comforting tapestry. Leaning in, I pressed a soft kiss on his forehead, silently grateful for this quiet moment.

In an attempt to rise without disturbing his peaceful sleep, I cautiously tried to untangle myself from his embrace. However, every move I made seemed to prompt an instinctive tightening of his hold. He stirred lightly, and I paused, admiring the serene expression on his face. I gently lifted the covers that enveloped us.

"Blake," I yelled.

He jolted awake, his eyes meeting mine with a mixture of confusion and concern. "What happened, princess?" he asked, his morning voice, ugh kill me now.

"Why are you only in your boxers?" I asked, my cheeks tinted with a rosy hue.

He returned a sheepish grin, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "I sleep only in boxers. Is it too hot to handle?" he winked.

"You wish," I retorted, grabbing a nearby pillow and throwing it at him. The playful banter quickly escalated into a full-fledged pillow fight. Feathers filled the air as laughter echoed in the room.

In the midst of the fluffy chaos, we found ourselves in an unintentionally intimate position, with me on top of him. The room fell silent as we shared a moment of realisation. Our laughter slowly faded, replaced by a tender gaze that spoke volumes.

Recognising the shift in the atmosphere, we pulled away, our eyes locking in a silent understanding.

I rushed into my bathroom, feeling the warmth of a blush lingering on my cheeks. A quick shower later, I emerged, hoping the cool droplets had washed away the embarrassment.

Descending the stairs, I found solace in the familiar routine of breakfast. Cereals and milk seemed like the safest bet. Blake, fully dressed and seemingly unperturbed by the earlier antics, appeared from behind. A mischievous glint in his eyes, he grabbed my spoon and casually took a bite from my breakfast. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his audacity.

"Really, Blake? It's not like there's a shortage of spoons," I teased, attempting to sound annoyed but failing miserably as a smile crept onto my face.

"I like you on top of me," Blake whispered in my ear, leaving a lingering kiss on my cheek, and then he disappeared into the kitchen, leaving me momentarily stunned with my mouth hanging open.

Later, we found ourselves in the living room, engrossed in watching TV as the boys continued their peaceful slumber. Time seemed to pass effortlessly, and before we knew it, the afternoon sun cast a warm glow across the room.

We decided to check on Noah and Matt, anticipating the aftermath of their previous night's revelry. As we entered the room, we found them sitting in bed, both looking like they were on the losing side of a battle with a hangover, clutching their heads in unison.

"Rough night, gentlemen?" Blake chuckled, offering them water and the ever-important hangover remedy.

"Don't shout, man," Matt whined, his voice resembling the groans of someone who had faced the wrath of a particularly enthusiastic hangover.

The room echoed with groans and complaints, and I couldn't help but shake my head at the comical aftermath of a night filled with questionable decisions. The boys, clearly paying the price for their adventures.

As the day continued, it became apparent that their ability to recall the events of the night before was as elusive as a mirage. The dumbasses, as Blake affectionately referred to them, were left with nothing but the echoes of their own complaints and the lingering mystery of the night's adventures.



This is a short chapter. Sorry I couldn't update often.

Don't be silent readers.

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-Love J.

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