Chapter - 9

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I awoke to the delightful sound of my alarm ringing, and by delightful, I mean absolutely unpleasant. Seriously, why can't school start at a more reasonable time, like 10? I need my beauty sleep, people! But no, it has to kick off at 8 and ruin my perfectly cozy slumber.

Glancing to my left, I noticed the cold expanse of the bed, indicating that Blake was long gone. I couldn't help but reminisce about the events of yesterday and let out a dramatic sigh. Summoning all the strength my tired self could muster, I begrudgingly got ready and left for the torture chamber. Oops, I mean school.

"It's going to be a long day," I muttered to myself as I drove to school. The moment I stepped out of the car, I was engulfed in a bear hug by the girls.

"We're so sorry, Crys," Jessie said in a low voice, and I felt a pang of guilt for ignoring them yesterday.

"It's okay, girls. Come on," I said, pulling them towards the boys.

Out of nowhere, Matt appeared and hugged the daylights out of me. "I was freaking scared when you disappeared. You didn't even answer my calls, gummy bear."

I could see that Blake was fuming. His jaw clenched, fists were balled up – if this were a cartoon, there would be smoke coming out of his ears. His eyes betrayed a mix of emotions – anger, jealousy, and something else that I couldn't quite decipher because he masked it quickly. I snapped out of my observations as Matt's voice brought me back to reality.

"Don't do this again, gummy bear," Matt pleaded.

"Matt, I'm fine. You're suffocating me," I teased, and he removed his hands, smiling sheepishly. I chuckled at his overprotectiveness.

The bell rang, and Blake grabbed my hand, pulling me with him to school. His arms wrapped around my shoulders, and I looked up at him, smiling.

"Thanks, Blake."

"Anything for you, Princess," he said, winking before heading off to his locker.

The classes were beyond boring, and my attention wavered throughout. I was relieved when lunchtime finally arrived, anticipating some quality time with my friends. I made my way to the cafeteria, ready for a break from the monotonous lectures.

"Baby doll!" Noah exclaimed, pulling me into a side hug. Blake promptly pushed him away, shooting him a playful glare. Noah chuckled and muttered something under his breath that I couldn't quite catch. I rolled my eyes at their antics. Boys.

"So who's up for the party?" Raymond asked, casting a glance in our direction. I couldn't help but groan and sulk in my chair, already dreading the idea.


"Definitely not me."

The others and I chorused at the same time. However, Blake remained silent, his thoughts concealed behind a stoic expression.

"Okay, no one is forcing my baby doll," Noah declared sternly. I shot him a thankful smile.

All eyes now turned to Blake, who remained silent, leaving the decision hanging in the air.

"What about you, buddy?" Parker inquired.

"I'm not coming. I've got some errands, and I'm giving company to Crystal," he replied casually, offering a nonchalant shrug.

"No, you're definitely going. You can't skip for me," I declared, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Yes, I can," he winked mischievously.

"You are. Going," I said sternly.

"No can do."



"Blake, you're going," I said in frustration, reaching over and playfully pulling his ear.

"Ouch. That hurts," he complained, rubbing his ears, but there was a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Get married already. I ship you both. Brystal," Noah declared cheerfully, clapping his hands.

Blake and I both gaped at him, our faces turning various shades of red. Our friends, struggling not to burst into laughter, exchanged amused glances. I shot them a glare and let out a groan of embarrassment.

"Run for your life before I kill you," Blake threatened, a mock seriousness in his tone. However, Noah seemed completely unfazed and responded with his usual charming smile. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

The school day was over, and the girls were getting ready at my house since my parents and Marta weren't around. They wanted to keep me company before Blake arrived. Yes, he had decided not to attend the party.

I went upstairs to check on them, and shock would be an understatement. They were all drop-dead gorgeous, and I couldn't help but marvel at their beauty.

"Oh my, girls, you look fantastic," I exclaimed as the doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of their dates. I was particularly excited to see who the twins' dates were, so I rushed down to open the door.

"You don't want to catch flies, so close your mouth," Blake chuckled, playfully closing my gaping mouth. All my friends were gathered, ready for the party.

The girls descended the stairs like princesses, and the boys couldn't help but wolf-whistle. Blake, however, simply came and stood beside me, a subtle smile playing on his lips.

Jessie and Mark looked incredibly good together; they would undoubtedly make cute babies. However, what caught my attention was the twins. Ella was standing with Parker, and Emma was with Raymond. I shot them a 'you-gotta-explain' look, and they mouthed "later." The mystery added an intriguing twist to the evening.

"Everyone has a date," Noah whined, sounding like a two-year-old.

"Even I don't have a date," Matt added, a hint of faux sadness in his voice.

"Oh, my poor boys," I teased, pinching their cheeks. They swatted my hands away, their expressions a mix of annoyance and amusement.

"Will you be my date?" Noah asked Matt with hopeful eyes.

"Yes, I will," Matt responded, hugging Noah with fake happy tears.

"Awww," we chorused, but they just shrugged their shoulders.

Soon, they left, and it was just me and Blake.

"Can we go out?" I asked nervously.

"You're asking me out for a date? It's a yes, obviously," he replied dramatically.

"In your dreams, Lanter," I rolled my eyes, a playful smile tugging at my lips.

We went to a small cafe in the neighbourhood, grabbing our smoothies. Afterward, I drove him to my favourite place, a hidden gem that no one knew about. I wasn't entirely sure why, but I felt a strong desire to share this special spot with him.

"Come with me," I said, pulling him to the top of the hill.

I turned to see him taking in the surroundings, his blue eyes shining like the ocean in front of us.

"Wow. This place is amazing, cupcake."

"No one knows this place, so don't you dare tell anyone."

"Not even Matt?"

"Not even Matt."

We sat there, looking at the ocean in silence. It was amazing to be here with him. He intertwined our hands, and I rested my head on his shoulder. I lost track of time, not knowing for how many hours we sat there like that, but it was peaceful.



Yeah that's an update. Ik I'm late, don't kill me. I had my exams.

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-Love J.

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