Chapter 23

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"I think my brain is going to freeze," Noah shouted, holding his head, sprawled on Blake.

On the other hand, "I am gonna poop ice creams!" Matt exclaimed, in the same position as Noah.

If you are wondering what is happening, let me brief you. After the stunt that Cassandra pulled, we came to our usual spot, 'The ice cream shop'. After that, these two idiots wanted to have an ice cream face-off.

I am pretty sure that they ate more than 30 scoops. And you all know how much of a drama queen they both are, so that pretty much explains the current situation.

"Kids, as much as I love having you here, it's time to close," Grey said. He is the owner of this shop. His wife and him are so sweet since we come here often; they started treating us like their own kids.

"And here, have these, you two. It will help since you've had gallons of ice cream," Judy, Grey's wife, handed both Noah and Matt some hot chocolate.

We didn't realise the time; it was already dark outside. Since these two weren't in a position to drive home, Blake and I offered to drop Noah, and Mark was dropping Matt off.

Throughout the ride, Noah wouldn't shut up.

Drama queen.

After dropping him off, Blake dropped me home.

"Cupcake," he called out with his arms wide open. I gladly accepted it.

"I will not let anyone hurt you. Don't think about what happened today. If she wasn't a girl..." I stopped him by giving a quick peck on the lips.

"Nothing can hurt me when you are there. I know you will always be there for me. I love you," I said, looking into his eyes.

"I love you too." He kissed my forehead and left.

I went inside my house, and the lights were on in the living room. Since it was already 9 pm, Martha would've left. I peeked inside to see my parents.

Umm, it's new since they are never home. I didn't want another encounter, so I started leaving slowly, but me being me, slipped on the stairs and fell with a thud.


"Crystal, come here," my mother called out. Now I can't run, can I?

I slowly made my way to the living room. Mom and Dad were sitting on the sofa. I stood in front of them. I wanted to leave soon, so I didn't bother sitting.

"Where were you?" My dad asked calmly yet coldly.

Wow, way to go. They don't show up most of the time, but when they do, this is what they ask, not even a small hi, how are you. Why am I not amazed.

"That doesn't concern you," I replied coldly. Two can play the game, Papa Knight.

"Don't you dare raise your voice against me, young lady. I'm your father. Who was that guy who dropped you?" He asked. My mom was pleading with her eyes to not start a fight.

"Oh, so now you realise that you are my father after abandoning me all these years. And you didn't even ask how I was; all you were concerned about was who was that guy. He is no one for you to be concerned about," I replied.

"Crystal, of course I should be concerned. You are my daughter. What if that guy is a threat to your life?" He stood up from the sofa.

I looked at him ridiculously. Seriously?! "If someone is a threat to my life, then it's you, not him," I said in a dangerously low voice.

"How can you say that?" His face showed hurt, but he covered it up quickly. "I tried everything in my power to protect you and your sister. I already failed once; I didn't want to lose you too. That's why I doubled the bodyguards when I came to know something happened to you at a party of your friends."

"Woah, what?! You had bodyguards following me?! Are you freaking serious? So all this time you were spying on me?! Your own daughter!" I shouted. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Crystal," my mom shouted, warning me.

"Don't, Mom. All these times, I was silent only for you. But not anymore," I said. I couldn't believe this.

"Crystal, I did what was good for you. I can't afford to lose you. That's why I appointed bodyguards and did a background check on your new friends," he said, as if it isn't something big. How can he?!

"Are you even listening to yourself? Do you know how ridiculous you sound? How can you do that to my friends? And the incident at the party, it was again because of you, isn't it?" I asked calmly. My patience was wearing thin.

He was silent, which gave me the answer.

"See, now who is the threat to my life? Huh? Tell me. All this time when you both abandoned me, do you know what I was going through? Do you even have the slightest idea of how many years I have been hurting, believing that it was all my fault even though we all know whose fault it is? Do you know how hard it was when you used to show hatred towards me? You never spared me a day to show hatred and to show how everything was my fault. You made me feel pathetic. Till now, you can't accept your mistake," I shouted at him. Tears were flowing freely now. I didn't care.

"Crystal, I was new to this business. I didn't know how to handle it at the start, which led me to make some mistakes. I didn't know that would cost my daughter's life. I didn't want to lose you too; that's why I started pushing you away. I thought that would keep you safe. I know if someone is to blame for all this, then it's me. I wanted you to be safe; that's why I started behaving like that. Do you think it was easy for me either? You don't know how much it hurt me. On that day, I didn't lose one but both my daughters. I thought it was good for you. But I was wrong. I was wrong from the beginning. I failed as a father. Forgive me," he begged, tears streaming down, and Mom was also crying, holding him.

"All this time, instead of pushing me, you could've stayed with me. We could've fought together. I can't forgive you that easily. I need some time." Yes, what he did was bad. I can't forgive him that easily. I need time. I want to know whether he really cares.

"I can't stay here. I need some space. I am going to Matt's place." With that, I left. I didn't want to worry Blake at this time. Matt was the only option left.

I drove to Matt's. It was already 11. But they wouldn't mind. I looked horrible. Tears were still flowing. I knocked lightly on their door.

"Matt was the one who opened. Without any word, he pulled me inside. He took me to my room upstairs. Yes, I have my own room here. Just like he does in mine. Since our families are very close.

"You don't have to explain anything now." He hugged me. Before I could say anything, his dad came in.

"Crystal, can I talk to you alone for a minute?" He asked. I nodded. Matt left after kissing my forehead. We settled on the bed.

"I know what happened. Your father told me everything." I kept silent. He continued again. " I agree what he did was wrong, but he did everything for you to be safe. You need to understand that. He didn't realise it's wrong, but you can't hate him forever. You need to give him a chance, Crystal. Everything was new to him; he didn't know how to handle it, so he messed up big time. Give him a chance, Crystal." He asked. I was a crying mess. He hugged me.

"Why can't he be like you? Why can't he be like a father like you are to Matt?!" I cried in his arms.

"Shh, don't cry. You are also like my daughter. Everything will be alright. Remember what I said. Now sleep tight." He kissed my forehead. He was more of a father to me than my own was. He stayed until I fell asleep and tucked me in.


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I hope all of you are doing good in this corona virus. Stay safe.

-Love J.

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