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Monday, the universal champion of annoyance, has arrived once again. The very thought of leaving the cozy embrace of my bed and facing the world is disheartening. Nevertheless, the ritual of my morning routine begins, and I begrudgingly prepare for the school day. Opting for comfort over style, I throw on a simple sweatshirt, pair it with blue ripped jeans, and tie my hair into a low-maintenance ponytail. Dressing up is not on my agenda today or any day, for that matter. With a resigned sigh, I make my way to school.

I was diligently stuffing my belongings into my locker, trying to maintain a semblance of order in the chaos that is my school life. Just as I was wrestling with a particularly stubborn notebook, I felt a tug on my hair band, and before I could react, my ponytail was set free.

Turning around in a whirlwind of irritation, I found myself face to face with none other than the chief culprit, Blake, wearing a smirk.

"Are you mad? What was that?" I demanded, my annoyance bubbling to the surface.

"I like your hair down," he declared, with a casual wink, he left, leaving me standing there with a half-amused, half-pissed expression.

With a small smile, I made my way to the classes. As the teacher embarked on a mission to impart knowledge, my attention decided to play hide-and-seek, successfully avoiding any form of capture. Let's face it – paying attention in class on a Monday is like trying to catch a butterfly with your bare hands.

And just like that, salvation arrived in the form of the lunch bell, releasing me from the clutches of boredom.

I dropped myself next to Matt, whose shoulder seemed like the perfect pillow for a Monday-induced nap. As my head found its cozy spot on Matt's shoulder, he began the therapeutic ritual of stroking my hair. Ah, the simple joys of friendship and the unspoken understanding that Mondays are best endured with a dash of comfort.

As Blake and the rest of the squad gathered around. A glance in Blake's direction revealed a simmering pot of displeasure.

"What do you want to eat?" Matt inquired. I told my preference, and he departed to fetch my food.

Now I nestled into the crook of Blake's shoulder, embraced by his warmth. He drew me closer, creating a cocoon of comfort. Matt appeared, bearing a delightful feast. Eagerly, I indulged in the flavours, but my rebellious hair demanded attention. Swiftly, I pulled it into a ponytail, only to have Blake, with a gentle grin, lovingly unravel my attempt.

"Don't," he said sternly. I playfully glared at him.

"Aww, you guys are cute together," Emma and Ella gushed at the same time.

I almost spat out my drink hearing that. The keyword is almost.

"No. She's mine. Only we both look cute together," Noah whined. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up," Blake hit him at the back of the head.

"Don't be jealous, Blakey. I love her more than you." Noah winked at me.

What is happening here? These guys are too much drama. But, I love them all.

"No, I love her more than all of you," now it was Matt.

"Who likes baby doll more?" Noah asked, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Of course, no one likes this bitch." We all turned to see Cassandra. Emma and Ella were boiling in anger. Parker and Raymond were holding them back before they did anything.

"Baby," she came and sat on Blake's lap. Now I was fuming. Is it jealousy? I don't know, but I sure know that I don't like her near Blake.

"Missed me?" she asked, trying to be all seductive and failing miserably, roaming her hands all over him.

"This bitch is not worth it. I know you miss me," she purred. Blake was trying to get away from her. Okay, that's it. I can't handle more.

"You Slut," she hissed at me. Now the whole cafeteria was watching this. You know what I did? I just slapped her.

"Get lost," I barked at her.

"Who are you to tell that? Are you his girlfriend?" she fired back.

I don't know what came into my mind at that time. But I did the stupidest thing which I'm gonna regret afterward.

"Yes," I declared, my voice as calm as a storm. And gasps could be heard from whole cafeteria.

"Prove it," she smirked.

"Uh? What?" I asked. "Prove that you are his girlfriend. Kiss him. Now," she challenged.

Okay, that was unexpected. All the blood drained from my face. Why didn't I think before opening my mouth? But no way am I letting that drama queen win, so I mustered the little courage I had, which was probably hiding somewhere behind my lunch tray. With a deep breath, I turned to Blake, who seemed as surprised as everyone else.

"Sorry for what's about to happen," I whispered to him, then leaned in and pressed my lips against his.

I freaking kissed him in front of everyone. The cafeteria erupted into a symphony of gasps and whispers, some were even recording all this. He kissed me back passionately. I slowly pulled away from Blake. "Never be sorry for doing this." He whispered and I smirked at her. Cassandra's smirk melted into sheer disbelief. She stomped her feet like an angry toddler and left with her minions.

I sat back, and everyone was giving me questioning looks. Noah was smirking at Blake.

"What was that?" Jessie asked.

I just shrugged my shoulders. Just then, the bell rang, saving me from further interrogation. I left without saying anything, leaving behind a cafeteria full of confused faces.

I sat at the last bench, the newfound hot topic of the school. And guess what? I have this class with Blake. Karma is a cheeky little thing. He came and sat next to me. I wish the ground would just develop a sudden interest in me and swallow me whole. He slid his hand on my waist.

"Remove them, Lanter," I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Feisty much. I like it, girlfriend," he winked.

Oh god, what have I done? My face is like a huge tomato now. I really regret my decision. Never, ever make decisions without thinking. I repeat, never. I know the consequences of it.

The school day was over soon. I literally ran to my home. Just kidding, I went in my car, hoping it had some sort of invisibility feature. Can cars come with that nowadays? Because I need it.

I told you karma is a bitch. It's indeed true. Guess what? Blake will be here at 5. I need to tutor him. Can it get any more awkward?

At exactly 5, he was here. I stayed in my room, contemplating if I just pretend not to be home, he might leave. But no, Marta went to open the door. He was standing at my bedroom entrance.

"You think you can avoid me, muffin?" he asked, smirking.

"Let's just tutor you," II quickly changed the subject, grateful he didn't say much. Now, it was time for him to leave. I stood on my porch, thinking I had successfully navigated through this tutoring session unscathed. Suddenly, he turned and came pretty much close.

"Were you jealous, Sweetheart?" he whispered, giving me goosebumps.

"I know I'm irresistible," he winked.

"Don't flatter yourself, Lanter. I was just helping you." I rolled my eyes.

He just chuckled, shaking his head. "Whatever makes you sleep at night," and with that he left. But deep down, I couldn't deny the flutter of butterflies he left in my stomach. High school tutoring sessions never felt this complicated or strangely exhilarating.

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