Chapter 17

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The sun was shining brightly through the windows. I found myself cuddled up with Blake, and a smile spread across my face. He looked so cute and peaceful while sleeping. His hair was silky, and I had the urge to touch it, but I refrained, not wanting to wake him up.

After a long time, I had the best sleep last night. All the events from yesterday flashed back, sending chills down my spine. If Blake wasn't there, I don't know what might have happened. He is definitely my knight in shining armour. Ever since I bumped into him in the hallways, he's always been there to catch me whenever I fall.

I tried to get up, but he tightened his hold on me.

"Morning, beautiful," Blake whispered in his husky voice, snuggling into my neck.

"Good morning," I replied quietly.

He loosened his grip, and I took that opportunity to escape from him. I ran to the bathroom, but he was quick behind me. When I was about to close the door, he caught me.

"Not so soon, sweetheart," he whispered, sucking on my earlobe.

"Be ready at 12. We are going out."

Before I could ask where we were going, he left, planting a kiss on my forehead.

This boy is full of surprises. I did my morning routine and went down for breakfast. As usual, my parents left early for the office, even if it was Sunday. I'm now used to it. I had my breakfast, and it was almost 12. I wondered where we were going. At exactly 12, Blake came to pick me up.

"I hope you have fun," Marta winked.

"Definitely," I replied sarcastically.

"Crystal, that boy is not what you assume to be. He truly loves you; I can see that in his eyes," Marta said.

I found it quite hard to believe. Blake would never love me. It's like I'm not his type. But, deep down, I wished what she said was true.

Even though I have some sort of feelings for him, I'm scared that he doesn't feel the same. I cannot go through another breakdown. There's already enough drama in my life, and I don't need another.

"You look beautiful," Blake commented and opened the door like the gentleman that he is definitely not.

Soon, we were on the road to I don't know where because he wouldn't tell me even if I asked him an endless number of times. The radio was playing, and none of us talked. There was a comfortable silence. Blake's hand rested on my thigh, tracing circles that sent chills down my spine, and soon, blood rushed to my cheeks.

After a one-hour ride, the car came to a halt. Before he could open the door for me, I did it myself.

He muttered something low, which I couldn't hear properly. He linked our hands and we started walking to the destination.

Soon, we were standing at the entrance of the carnival. I was squealing like a little girl.

"Thank you so much, Blake," I hugged him.

"Anything for you, princess," he winked.

"I used to come to this carnival every year with my family. Back then, we were one happy family. Since that incident, I never came here even though I always wanted to. Thank you so much, Blake," I said, tears forming in my eyes. Blake kissed my forehead.

"You deserve all the happiness in the world. Come, let's go," he pulled me inside.

It's getting really hard not to fall for this guy.

He took me to all the rides, bought me a lot of food. He was spoiling me like a kid. We then headed to the hill. The sun was setting, and Blake had his arms around me. I wished things would stay as peaceful as they were now.

"You know, it was not your fault. She would be happy if you stop blaming yourself for everything that has happened. Stop blaming yourself, sunshine," he said, looking into my eyes. I couldn't say anything; I just nodded. He then left to get something from the car. After some time, he came back again with a bunch of heart shaped balloons.

"Blake, what are these for?" I asked. He then went down on one knee. Someone pinch me. Is he going to do what I am thinking?

"Sunshine, since the time my eyes laid on you, I couldn't think straight. You are the only thought in my head all day. I have never seen anyone as crazier as you. Before you came into my life, I was a playboy; I didn't care about the feelings of anyone. But you changed me completely. Every time I look into your eyes, I see my whole world. You are all that I want in my life. I know this might not be the best proposal. But, I promise you that I will give the best in everything. You deserve the world. There is no one I would do this rather than you. I love you, Crystal. I promise that I will always be there for you. Will you be my girlfriend?" he opened a small velvet box. Tears were pooling in my eyes.

"Blake, I am sorry. I couldn't do this," his face fell immediately, and he got up in an instant.

"I am sorry. I didn't know what I was doing," he apologised and turned to leave. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. We poured all the feelings into the kiss. He pulled me closer, and the balloons were flying high.

"Of course, it is a yes," I extended my hand. "You gave me a heart attack. Never pull a stunt like that again," he then slid the ring onto my finger.

"You know, you deserve punishment for that stunt you pulled," I backed up, but he got me quickly. He came close, and our lips were almost touching.

"Are you a Google?" he asked out of the blue. "Uh?" I was clueless. "Cause you are everything that I search for in my life," he fell down laughing. "Way to ruin the moment, Lanter," I glared.

He pulled me down towards him and sealed our lips together. The kiss was intense. If someone saw us, we would probably look like some super-horny wild animals. He snaked his hands into my shirt, and electricity erupted. I tugged at his hair, and we broke the kiss for air.

"Let's get you home, girlfriend," he winked. I don't know when I will get used to this term.


So I know it's a been a long time since I updated. I don't have the motivation to continue this story. Only your support gives me that. So please do support.

Next chapter is my most favorite.

Any guesses what it would be?

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-Love J.

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