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Stare. Gossip. Stare. This is exactly what's happening from the moment I stepped into school. Gossip spreads faster than a wildfire here. What have I gotten myself into?! facepalm. I should've kept my stupid mouth shut.

"Gummy bear."

"Hi," I replied in a low voice.

"Just ignore them. Everything will be fine. I didn't know you had it in you. By the way, Cassandra's expression was totally worth it," he pulled me into a hug. This is what I love about Matt. He understands everything even without saying. There is a weird connection between us that no one can understand.

Emma and Ella entered hand in hand with Parker and Raymond, accompanied by Blake and Noah. The group walked in with an air of confidence, turning heads and sparking curiosity among the onlookers.

"Hey, princess," Blake kissed my cheek.

"Ew. Stay away," I shooed him.

"Ouch. Is this the way to treat your boyfriend?" he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes dramatically. "Boyfriend? Please, you wish."

"I know you secretly adore me after claiming me in the cafeteria yesterday," he teased.

"I secretly wish you'd disappear," I countered, earning laughter from our friends.

I really wished right then for the ground to open and swallow me. Everyone started laughing at my reaction. The bell rang, and I literally sprinted to my class after bidding goodbye to all, not forgetting to give a stink eye to Blake. He knows exactly how to embarrass me in front of everyone.

I took a seat at the back as soon as I entered the class. Whispering erupted, and everyone started pointing at me. Not to forget the death glares that girls were giving. Ella and Emma came and sat next to me. Thank god. And I have some interrogation to do.


"What are you talking about, Crys?" Emma asked, batting her eyelashes.

"Don't act all innocent. Tell me already," I rolled my eyes.

"Ella, you go first," Emma said.

"Okay, you know I had this crush on Parker for a long time. When you became friends with Blake, we started talking. We started to like each other, and he asked me on a date, and I said yes," she was blushing.

"And here goes my story. At first, me and Raymond didn't get along well. We used to fight and bicker about silly things. At one point, we both started liking each other, and we went on a date. We're couples now," she was blushing even harder.

"Oh my god. I'm so happy for you girls," I threw my arms around them.

"But I'm mad at you both for hiding this from me for a long time," I narrowed my eyes at them.

"Sorry. We didn't mean to hide it from you," they both said at the same time. And we hugged again.

"So you and Blake, ah..." Emma wiggled her eyebrows.

"There's nothing going on between us. That was all an act for Cassandra."

"Oh really. We saw how you both kissed each other so passionately," Ella said.

Our teacher entered at the perfect timing, saving me. I drifted into my dreamland as soon as the class started.

Soon it was lunchtime now, but the boys had football practice, so they would have an early lunch. I made my way to the cafeteria and spotted my friends at the entrance.

The boys were wearing their football jerseys, and the couples were lost in their own world of affection.

"Get a room, guys," I scrunched my face.

Matt came and hugged me.

"Gummy bear, we are leaving for practice. We will meet in the parking after school," he kissed my forehead. I nodded my head.

"I missed you, babydoll," Noah hugged, winking at Blake. I hugged him back. Blake pulled him back and sent a glare his way.

"Take care," Blake kissed my cheek, and the boys went for their practice.

It was only us girls after a long time. I don't know why, but I lost my appetite.

"Why are you moody?" Jessie asked.


"Do you miss Blake?" Emma winked.

"No," I replied quickly.

They started laughing. However much I try to deny it, I really miss him. I have grown attached to those guys, not only Blake. They are not just my friends but more like a family.

The school was over, and the boys were waiting for us in the parking lot.

"Hey." Jessie hugged me.

"Gummy bear." Matt hugged me.

"You stink," I shooed him.

"Did you miss me, babydoll?" Noah asked, hugging me. Blake pushed him away from me.

"Did you eat properly?" Blake questioned hugging me.

What is with everyone hugging me? I guess it's 'Hug Crystal Day.' But I was grateful to have all of them as my friends.

We bid our goodbyes to each other and went our ways home.



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-Love J.

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