Chapter 21

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Running without a destination, I finally took notice of my surroundings. Somehow, my legs led me to the top of a hill. The stars above shone brightly, seemingly mocking my misery. Strangely, I didn't shed any tears. Although I felt hurt, no tears came. My phone continued to blare, but I shut it down. I had no desire to talk to anyone. Deep down, a voice urged me to trust Blake, insisting that he wouldn't do this to me. Yet, I had seen it with my own eyes, and choosing not to believe was proving to be an insurmountable challenge.

Avoiding any thought, I gazed up at the stars. Among them, one star seemed to shine more brightly than the rest, captivating in its beauty. Memories of my grandma's words echoed in my mind, that deceased loved ones become stars, watching over us. I fixed my eyes on that radiant star and whispered, "Nancy, everything is messed up here. I wish you were here."

Hours passed as I sat there. Suddenly, I heard footsteps. Someone was standing behind me. A feeling of recognition settled in. "Took you this long," I remarked without turning around. Eventually, I mustered the strength to face the person behind me.

"Cupcake," he said as he knelt down in front of me. I averted my gaze, the haunting image of them flashing in my mind whenever I looked at his face.

"Sunshine, it's not what you think. I promise I would never do that to you. Please let me explain," he pleaded. I turned around to face him.

"Then explain," I said calmly. I didn't want to be the stereotypical girlfriend who runs away at the first sign of trouble. I didn't want to regret not hearing his side of the story later.

"What?" he asked, taken aback.

"Explain to me what happened," I repeated calmly, determined to hear his side of the story. He seemed dumfounded.

"Uh... okay. I went to see the coach. After the meeting, I was on my way to join you guys, and that's when Cassandra came out of nowhere. She started her drama, threatening to tell everyone that I impregnated her. I told her to go ahead because I know I didn't sleep with her. Then she promised to satisfy all my needs, and she started kissing me. Before I could push her away, you all came and witnessed it. I swear nothing happened," he explained sincerely.

"So you're a virgin?" The words escaped from my mouth.

"Seriously, cupcake? I tell you everything, and this is all you got out of it?" He facepalmed, and I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Come on. With your reputation, it's really hard to believe that," I shrugged.

"So, do you forgive me?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Really?" he asked, his excitement evident.

"Yeah. Deep down, I know you wouldn't do something like this," I conveyed my trust in him.

"I love you," he said, kissing my forehead. Suddenly, a disturbing image of Blake and Cassandra kissing crossed my mind, and the realisation hit me that his mouth was the same one kissing my forehead. His face fell as he noticed my reaction, and I quickly explained, earning an incredulous look from him.

"Okay. Even I don't get what I meant," I shrugged.

"Are you sure that you didn't hit your head somewhere?" he teased, messing up my hair. I swatted his hands away, shooting him a glare.

We sat in silence for a few hours, and then an idea popped into my mind.

"Blake," I called him.

"Yes, cupcake," he replied.

"Let's not tell anyone that we sorted things out. Let's have some fun with them," I suggested, wearing an evil smile.

"I don't know what you have in your mind, but let's do it," he agreed.

Afterward, we headed to my home. Blake dropped me a few blocks away to maintain the appearance that we weren't together, considering all our friends were already at my porch. The plan was for me to arrive first, and he would follow after some time. As soon as my friends saw me, they bombarded me with questions. Just as planned, Blake came running towards us at the perfect moment.

"Cupcake, please listen to me," Blake pleaded.

"I don't want to look at your face. Please leave!" I shouted at him.

That's when my knight in shining armour arrived. Yes, Matt came and pulled Blake by his collar. "Don't you dare come near her again," he warned, delivering a punch. I stifled a laugh, feeling a twinge of pity for Blake. Surprisingly, even Noah issued a threat to him.

"I don't want him to get hurt anymore. Leave now!" I shouted, and reluctantly, he left after giving me a hurt look. When no one was looking, I blew him a kiss.

And that's how Blake spent his night in the cold. Everyone stayed with me, fully buying into our little act. They pampered me with everything all night.

As the morning sun shone brightly, we were all sleeping like koala bears. I slowly stretched and glanced at my phone. There were 20 missed calls and 50 messages, all from Blake.

Boy, I totally forgot about him. Initially, the plan was to reveal the truth after Blake was thrown out, but with their pampering, I enjoyed it and completely forgot about him. I am evil, and I know it. I went downstairs and opened the front door to find an angry Blake.

"I am so sorry," I apologised, and he welcomed himself in.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I totally forgot. They were very caring. Come on, it's not every day you see them like that," I said.

"Really, Crystal? I was waiting in the cold all night, and..." Before he could complete his sentence, I kissed him. That shut him up. This was the first time I had initiated the kiss.

"You'll be the death of me," he said in-between the kiss. We pulled apart for breath. "I'll make it up to you," I promised. We heard someone clearing their throat, and we turned to see all of our friends standing with their arms folded, giving us questioning looks.

After explaining everything, they all congratulated me for coming up with the marvelous idea. We even planned to pull this stunt at school, especially with Cassandra. But we promised that no more hitting Blake; the poor thing already had a light black eye. We spent the day lazily at home, skipping school.


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-Love J. ❤️

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