Chapter 3 Part 12

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****hello guys.

Have a happy mothers day




Mitch's POV:

I pull on a hoodie in lightning speed.

"Pel!" I shout, running down the stairs after him. "Perri, come on..."

Perri walks into his car and closes the door. I try to get in but he's locked it. I could always go in my car but I have a lot to tell him.

"Pel, please.....I know you're f**king pissed, but let me in..." I say, near tears.

I keep trying to open the door and then he finally unlocks it and I fall in, immediately in tears.

"Pel..." I say, crying like a baby now. "I don't know what to say, I'm disgusted by myself! I missed Kay's birth anf..."

My voice trails off and I have my head in my hands, crying.

Pel doesn't say anything. He doesn't move. He doesn't even start driving, he's just staring at the wheel in front of him.

Then he gets out of the car and walks back into the house. I immediately know he's going to do something pretty terrible to Amber but I don't bother following him to defend her.

Seconds later I hear this massive smash, like glass breaking.

What the hell was that?

Pel emerges from the house and gets back into the car like nothing happened.

"Pel..." I say, my tears drying a bit now. "Just please say something. Ask me a question, I'll explain everything. Please."

Pel steps on the accelerator. I know what he's feeling. Complete and utter rage but also upset and confusion.

"I'm sorry...." I stammer. "I just.....I was confused...about who I loved until now. Yes, I love Amber. But now I know I love Kim even more..."

Perri doesn't say anything.

"Come on, bruv..." I sniff, drying another tear.

I've known Perri since I was twelve years old, almost eleven years now. And if he wasn't talking, it was usually because he was shy or he was just thinking so hard about what to say, that he couldn't say anything at all.

"The only person I didn't want to hurt was you, Pel..." I say, crying uncontrollably now. "Kim can't know.,.it'll break her....but the only person I didn't want to break was you."

I run a hand through my thick, dark brown hair. I start to wonder how Kay looks like.

"Pel...." I whisper, leaning to put a hand on his shoulder. "Please....just say something. I don't care what it is right now."


I lose it again and start crying.

"Okay, fine Pel if you want to know, it was me, okay! I started it, Pel. I kissed her first. I was angry at you because you hit her and I would never hit Kim."

I take a deep breath.

"Pel, I'm SO sorry. You're basically my brother and I wouldn't dream of losing you."

Pel remains emotionless and just keeps driving but then a tear rolls down his cheek.


Pel just starts to cry. Not even crying because he's sad. No, I don't think it was because of that. He's just hurt that I hurt him.

Perri and Mitch- the sixth book special to series 'Perri and Me' about Perri Kiely.Where stories live. Discover now