Chapter 1 Part 7

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"Amber?" Mitch calls, from outside my bedroom.

I'm in this twisted dream again...

I can't breathe. I'm trapped inside my room.

"Leave me alone!" I scream, but my voice does this weird thing when it doesn't come out, and I can't project it.

"You know you can't hide from me..." Mitch says, his voice quiet and creepy. "You can never hide from me..."

Suddenly, everything around me catches fire, except my bed. I scream. No sound. I cry for help. No sound.

Mitch glides into the room, untouched by the fire.

"Now..." He says. "You've refused to do what I now you can just burn..."

The fire flashes red...then orange...then yellow again.

Its spreads slowly to me and I can't move. Bright, hot flames melt my whole body...

I wake up abruptly, breathing like I've just been drowning.

It's daylight and I realise I only got two hours of sleep.

Pel's not there.

I remember he went for an early rehearsal. I was still awake at the time.

My body feels weak and it's as if someone just pushed me of a cliff.

I get a text from Mitch.


'We meet in the studio at nine.'

That means I only have one hour.

I'm so tired, I practically limp to the bathroom, shower and get dressed.

I do the same for Reid but I can barely keep my eyes open.

I drop him at Natalie's house again, before going to the studio.

I find an empty room in the studio. There's no one there, and there is a comfortable sofa next to the mirrors, which I practically collapse in.

I'm cold, tired and fed up.

I hear faint noises of people moving outside, but thankfully no one comes in.

I want to curl up in a ball and fall asleep, but every time I close my eyes, I can feel my body melting away by those flames.

I can see Mitch...

So I just lie there...feeling sorry for myself.

The door unlocks and I hear someone enter.


He's in trackies and a grey top, and I'm guessing he's just been dancing.

"Amber..." He says. "Why have you locked yourself in here?"

He squats by where I'm lying. His brown eyes concerned.

"I'm exhausted..." I say. "But I can't sleep..."

Pel sighs.

"You've got a rehearsal now with Fran and Talisa..." He says.

"I don't want to do it..." I say, tears rolling down my face.

This is so stupid...I should just tell him the truth.

Pel kisses me on the cheek. He smeels so nice.

"Come on..." He says. "Just one and you'll be done for the day..."

"Really?" I say.

"Yeah...I'll explain to Dani that you're tired."

Perri and Mitch- the sixth book special to series 'Perri and Me' about Perri Kiely.Where stories live. Discover now