Chapter 1 Part 11

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So it's about thirty past twelve. Reid woke up while I tried to get ready so I told him that we were going to decorate the chirstmas tree. We're in the living room, with the light on. I'm hoping we don't wake Pel. I'm sat dressed, with Reid who is still in his pyjamas, under our christmas tree. It was saved from the storage room in the old Danceworks building, and Danielle kindly let us have it. I'm putting the presents I wrapped under the tree.

"They're so many!" Reid says, amazed.

"So many for you..." I say to Reid smiling. "Santa obviously thinks you've been a very good boy this year."

Reid picks up one of his massive gifts and shakes it, listening to the sound.

"I think this one is...a race car!" He says.

I shrug.

"You never know..." I say.

As I'm doing it, Reid looks at me. He kind of does the same thing as Pel did. He stares at you...and then looks away when you look back.

"Why are you staring at me Reid?" I smile. "Do I look funny?"

"No..." He says. "You look very pretty tonight Mummy...but you should be sleeping."

I smile at his comment, but then I realise that the only reason why I actually made an effort with my makeup...was because I was going to see Mitch. I'm wearing trackies, a burgundy top, and my black uggs.

"Thank you Reid..." I say. "Do you want to finish doing decorations? On the tree?"

Reid nods and I hand him a few more decorations from the box in front of me. I've already done the ones on the top because of Reid's height.

"Where are you going, Mummy?" He asks, when he's done.

"To see Mitch, and Kim..."

Reid chuckles.

"Daddy doesn't like him..." He says, busying himself with another decoration.

"That's not true..." I say.

"Yes it is..." Reid says, truly believing in this debate.

"How do you know?" I say, actually really curious.

"When Daddy read me a story...he said that Mitch was getting in the way..."

"Getting in the way of what?" I say.

Reid ignores me...or at least I think he just didn't hear me.

"Reid..." I say, standing up. "You have to go to bed...and I have to go..."

"Why?..." Reid moans, sounding distressed.

"It's a...very important meeting. Okay...I promise, when you wake up...I'll be there. And I'll make you pancakes..."

"Really?" Reid exclaims, his eyes lighting up.

"Shh..." I say. "Don't wake Daddy up. Go back to bed, okay?"

"But I can't sleep..." Reid moans.

I pick up and carry him back to my room. Pel's not there. I put him under the covers and lie down next to him.

"Sleep..." I whisper, fake closing my eyes.

A few minutes later, Reid is fast asleep. I kiss him on the cheek, then carefully shut my bedroom door.

I grab my bag and car keys from the living room, and then head out of the house.

I didn't tell Pel...and now he's going to be so annoyed, but...

Perri and Mitch- the sixth book special to series 'Perri and Me' about Perri Kiely.Where stories live. Discover now