Chapter 4 Part 6 (last part)

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***hello lovely people!

Sorry this is klnd of a surprise but this is the last part to this book

There will probably be a seventh one but I'm planning on enjoying the rest of my holiday for now.

I can't tell you how happy you guys make me when I read all the messages you send me. Thank you so much! And don't be scared for a chat.

Thankyou to Diversity for forever inspiring me.

And Pel, I wish I can see you soon!

Love you guys!!!!!!!

Enjoy the final part to this story.




Amber's POV:

When I picked Reid up from Karen's house, he was ill. Quite ill so I took him to the hospital and he kept asking where Pel was and I kept lying to him and he kept crying. Karen was so nice and stayed with us at the hospital. At the end of it all, thank goodness, Karen was driving Reid and I home. I let Reid sleep on my lap.

"It's amazing how he can be so well one minute then so sick..." Karen says, turning back to make sure I wasn't crying or anything.

"Yeah..." I mumble, putting my fingers in his hair. "He's a brave boy...he'll get through this.."

Then there's a silence. I look out of the window wishing I had a remote to rewind the last couple of months in my life.

"So....have you and Pel spoken since...." Karen sighs. "Since you fought?"

"Yeah..." I sigh.

Karen keeps a straight face but I know she's upset. I haven't exactly told her I'm planning on suing her son.

"I just want you and Pel to be happy, you know?" She says, now sounding upset. "That's all I want..."

"Karen, are you crying?" I ask.

Karen removes a hand off the steering wheel to wipe her tears.

"You guys just seemed so perfect....I thought you loved each other..." She says, crying.

Tears fill my eyes but I try not to show that I'm upset. My life is literally falling apart. My child is suffering and all she can do is cry about my relationship with Perri?

"Karen, quit it! Okay?" I shout.

Karen continues to cry and then Reid wakes up which is just a nightmare.

"Mummy, are we nearly there?" He asks, his eyes fluttering open.

"Nearly..." I say to him. "Don't you want to sleep so you don't feel the injections?"

"I'll feel them anyway..." Reid says.

I swallow. I suddenly feel ill too. Something tells me this pregnancy is going to be very stressful.

"Is the baby a girl or boy?" He asks.

"I don't know." I say

"Does Dad know?"

The thought of Perri makes me feel faint.

"No one knows, okay? I don't even know..." I say, trying to smile.

He looks up at me.

"You won't forget me, Mummy..." He says.

"That's ridiculous...." I whisper. "Do you know how much I love you?"

Perri and Mitch- the sixth book special to series 'Perri and Me' about Perri Kiely.Where stories live. Discover now