chapter eight

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Your pov

I waited for hours for someone to come tell me that the girl had gone home so i could finally leave my bedroom, more time went by and i still hadn't heard a peep from anyone, not evn the mice who roam the house.

I decided to leave the room, everything was too quiet, usually i would hear the kids, Mother, the other father, the mice, the neighbors, even just footsteps but right now, there was nothing at all.

I slowly opened my door and looked to see if there was anyone near, there was no one so i quietly made my way through the house, finding it completely empty, but not only that, the house seemed different somehow, i couldn't figure put what, but i knew something was different.

I stood in the kitchen, not seeing anything out of the ordinary but then heard a noise, from outside. I looked out of the small window in the kitchen above the sink and saw Mother and the other father. I couldn't see them well but it had to be them because who else would it be?

They were talking about something i couldn't hear then the other father started to do the gardening while Mother watched and probably commented on every little thing that wasn't perfect

I looked around and didn't see the kid anywhere so i decided to go out to the garden where they were.

I was about to open the back door when a hand grabbed my shoulder "lets go" i heard a familiar voice, i turned around to see wybie, not the other wybie, the real one, with eyes

He pulled me with him as he ran to the front door and opened it. He continued to run as i just went along with him. Soon we stopped and i saw the well. He sat down and i did too, i was still very much confused as to how he got here.

"Thanks for the doll" he spoke, how did he know it was from me? How did he even know i existed? "'re...welcome?"

He then stared at the well, not saying a word, i just sat there, trying to figure out what was happening

"(Y/n)!" I heard my name being called from the house "mother" i spoke in a wispered, shed kill me if she found out what was happening, even if i dont really know whats happening...

Wybie stood up and pulled me to my feet, he then grabbed hold of my hand again and ran to the house

"(Y/n)" mother called again

I started to run faster out of fear of her

We got to the house and ran insidehe then pulled me to the living room and to the small door.

"(Y/n)!" Mother sounded mad by now

"Come on!" He said as he opened the door. He turned to me and got real close all of the sudden, he stood straight for some reason. When he stood like that, he was taller than i was.

The world around us was still quiet, apart from Mothers yelling and he was really close.

"(Y/n)!" She was getting closer

Wybie moved away from me

"Follow her...find me" he then crawled through the door, closing it begind him

I sat up in my bed to see mother standing by the door "what on earth are you doing? I called your name four times!"

"Im sorry Mother, ill do better" she then told me to come eat the kids leftovers and left the room

"Did i...fall asleep? And have...a...dream? Ive never...why was it about...i..."

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