chapter twenty-four

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Your pov

It was late at night, i woke up to something making noise in my room, knowing i was alone, and feeling vermin on the bed next to me, i knew something was in my room. I sat up and looked around as my eyes adjusted to the dark room

I saw something move in the mirror and my heart sank "buttons..." i said. I looked at vermin thinking about how i lied to Wybie on how i got out of the other world.

I then thought back on what really happened.

⚠️⚠️[[[}Trigger warning: almost dying/blood/violence, read at own risk please]]] you can skip this to where is says [[[part is over]]] or just stop reading here caus the following part is the end of the chapter.⚠️⚠️

Everything went dark after i was enclosed in the web, i couldn't move and it was starting to get hard to breath too, i could feel my lungs starting to give out.

I was about to pass out when the webbing was violently ripped open, i took a big breath of air and saw the other mother "you little brat!" She pulled me out of the webbed cocoon and i saw that the web floor was now just a normal floor again "i should have eaten you when i had the chance!" She threw me across the room and my back hit the wall, causing the little air i had in my body to leave.

I fell to the ground and tried to get up but was grabbed and thrown again. I hit another wall and hit my head this time too

I stood up, holding onto my ribcage, i think she broke something. I used the wall to stand steady and tried to look up ag her when she pierced my stomach with one of her many sharp legs

She laughed as blood leaked from both the wound and some spilling from my mouth, i was too weak to do anything, my body hurt and i could barely breathe "please..."

"No, you had your chance to ignore the boy, you could have had a wonderful life here, but you disobeyed me, you sent your doll out, you tried communicating with him, then, you tried to leave me, your own mother!" She moved the boney metal like leg deeper into my stomach and lifter me off of the ground as i spit up more blood.

Through slipping in and out of consciousness i remembered something. I looked up at her and weakly asked "are you happy?" She smiled at me "very much"


[[[Part is over]]]

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