chapter fifteen

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I ran to the pink palace and knocked on the door "come on, come on" i said as i waited for someone to open it. Finally the door opened "Mom! Dad! oh, its you" she said, was she expecting her parents to knock on their own door?

"Coraline! Hi, can i come in?" She sighed "my name is Coraline!" "Yeah, thats what i said, can i come in now?" She moved out of the way and i walked in while looking around.

"The doll, its her spy, the other world isn't great at all, i just need my parents to come home so they can brick up that door again, i never want to go there again! Shes horrible,  she wants me to sew buttons into my eyes!" I stopped to look at her

"The other mother? What about (y/n)? When did you last see him?" She looked confused "who? There was no (y/n) there, just everyone who i know, and i dont know anyone by that name" she said as she started walking.

I followed her, we ended up in the living area, i remember from the dream. I saw the door and went to open it but Coraline grabbed me to stop me "dont! Shell get you too!"

I stood up "look, i dont know why but this guy started popping up in my head, i dreamt about him, hes been spying on me through a doll, he talked to me with some weird echo power or something then with my mirrorand then he just disappeared. I feel like i need to help him, i dont think hes supposed to be on the other side of that door"

I pulled my arm out of her grasp and opened the door. It wasn't bricked up. It was a a weird sort of tunnel. I saw a door on the other side of the tunnel  and crawled through to the door. I struggled because the tunnel wasn't steady at all, it jiggled a lot.

Within a few seconds, i made it to the other side, i looked back to see the other door was closed, she must have closed it. I turned back to the door in front of me and reached for it then pushed it open.

I crawled out of the tunnel and stood up. The room was the same but more dull. I looked around and saw the cat by the fireplace. He looked up at the mantel, i looked at where he was looking and saw some snowglobes.

I walked closer and saw Coralines parents in one and man with a pregnant lady in the other. They were in the same positions, asking for help the same way in the snow, as if it were a scene, acted out by different actors.

"You shouldn't be here, she'll see you"

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