chapter twelve

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Your pov

I immediately made the doll fall flat onto its back and stopped moving but i continued to watch what he did. I had walked right into Wybies leg and he saw the doll walking. How did Mother never get caught with her dolls?

He picked up the doll and walked back to his room, clearly freaking out. He started yelling at the doll about how he saw it move and that he knows he's not crazy but i kept still.

He threw the doll onto his bed, luckily it landed still facing him

"I remember talking to someone in my dream, (y/n)...i thanked them for giving you to me. Grandma says hes a guy that used to live in the pink palace, he would have been around my age if he didn't disappear like all those other kids...and im talking to a doll....who moved..."

What? He knows my name? Did he have the same dream as i did? He cant...i didn't dream,.i cant dream, im not human, i dont even sleep...

Wait..i used to live...on the other side?

Wybies pov

I picked the doll up from the groundand walked to my room so grandma wouldn't see it and call me a child for having a doll but thats not what this is about.

I closed my door and looked at the doll laying lifeless in my hand "I saw you move, you walked! I saw you!" I yelled, shaking the doll. It remained inanimate and floppy as i shook it. "Come on! Im not crazy"

I threw the doll onto my bed and stared at it. "Am i crazy?"

I know i saw it move, it wasn't just a quick movement, i saw it walk from my bedroom door and right into my leg causing it to fall down, i cant just say im seeing things.

"You know what? Maybe i am crazy, maybe coralines crazy rubbed off on me, yeah, that must be it, there cant be another explanation" i said, still staring at the doll. I need real friends, being without actual sane people in my life just made me go crazy.

I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face, trying to calm myself down. "I need to talk to grandma, maybe she'll let me live with my uncle for a few weeks, that'll clear my head up, theres a lot of sane people there, people i would maybe become friends still talking to a doll"

"You're not crazy"

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