chapter five

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Your pov

I stopped paying attention to Mothers plans for Coraline a while ago. All I have to do is stay hidden and everything will work out just fine for her.

I laid on my bed, gazing at the ceiling. I heard my door rattle. “Coraline must be exploring the house,” I thought to myself. This would be the second, maybe third time she tried to open my locked bedroom door. 

My body relaxed as I zoned out. Then, I had a thought. 

“Did my doll get to Wyborn?”

I calmed my mind, still out of reality. I took a few deep calming breaths, then focused. Mother told me she uses this technique when she uses the dolls. 

I’ve tried this many times after I sent the doll out, and each time, I failed. I could never see where the doll was or if it got to Wyborn.

As I focused and concentrated, the ceiling started changing. I sat up as the rest of the room started to morph.

"Is it working?" I asked myself. I only closed my eyes for a second, but once I opened them, I saw a room different to mine.

It was dark, but I could see a decent bit of what was inside. It wasn’t like my bedroom though. This one had a lot of things in it. Mine only had the necessities: a bed, clothes in a closet, a bedside table, and a mirror.

The room had many shiny things that I didn’t know the names of. Though, I did know the name of one of them: a drumset. I knew what that was because of a child Mother took. That child’s drum set was brand new, but this looked old.

I could sense that someone was in the room, so I couldn’t move the head of the doll I was controlling. Thankfully though, I could see what was in front and around me with my peripheral vision.

On my lap was a sharp object; a green one. In the room were a lot of objects, not just the shiny ones. I could see a shirt thrown over a chair, a jacket on the floor, and...feet.

There were feet on the bed. I could only see them and some parts of the legs, but I couldn’t look farther than that.

The feet weren’t facing me, but at a door. “Maybe I can move,” I thought. I concentrated even harder. After some struggling, the doll started to move. It was hard to move right, but I was happy that I was able to make it move at all.

I turned its head to the bed and saw a person. They had large, curly brown hair, just like Wyborn’s. Was it him? I had the doll stand still for a moment, watching the person.


"Coming Grandma!" The person yelled, starting to get up.

Immediately I made the doll fall to the floor, still watching through it. The person gently picked it up and stared. I could now see that it was, in fact, Wyborn.

He held me up, giving me a small smile. “I told you to smite people, not fall off of things.” Then, he turned his head towards the door and whispered, “My name is Wybie...”

He looked back at me and sighed. He placed the doll back onto the area it originally sat and put the little object back onto the lap.  “Your sword, little me.” With that, he left.

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