chapter twenty-six

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Your pov

A few weeks after happened, everything seemed to he completely normal. Coraline stopped talking about the other world and stopped asking me questions about when i was still 'evil' as shed word it.

I'd spend most of my time by the well for some reason, i just felt like i needed to be there when im not busy. It was when i found out why, that scared me the most.

"(Y/n)? Ive been looking all over for you" i felt wybies arms wrap around my waist from behind and his head lay on my shoulder "I've been here" he sighed as i stared at the old, dirt covered lid "shes not coming back, coraline and i took care of the key, she wont ever find it, so stop worrying about it" i continued to stare "how'd you know i was thinking about that?"

He let go of me and stood next to me "because you come here all the time, Coraline must have told you we threw the key in there" i looked at him "you threw the key in the well?" I asked and his facial expression changed to confused "yeah? I thought you knew?"

I shook my head "no, i didn't" then i looked back at the well and furrowed my eyebrows "legend says...its so deep, if you fall down in it..." i started but wybie finished "you can see stars..."

" the window" i spoke more quietly, realizing something that could be true.

"Im glad she's gone, come on, lets go back" i said as i held my hand out for him, he took it and we walked back to the pink palace. Once there i would have invited him in but we heard his grandma calling him, we said out goodbyes and he left as i walked around the house to the side door.

When i was in my room, i sat on my bed where vermin was peacefully sleeping. As he felt the bed dip where i sat, he lifted his head and sat up. "They threw the key in the well...i think...maybe it could have ended up...back...there" i looked at the little door in the room when i said 'there'

"If she has the key...she can" before i finished the sentence, vermin walked over to me and laid on my lap, i think trying to reassure me that we all were safe. I put my hand on his head lightly and started to pet him "but still...its a possibility, i mean, she's an otherworldly creature, if she has the key, she might...she will hurt everyone i love...i dont even know what would happen if she came this side of the door" i sighed and looked down at vermin, who was no longer on my lap, i was petting my thigh.

Vermin wasn't in my room anymore, i dismissed it and walked over to the large mirror in the room.

"She's gone. She's not coming back. You are safe. Everyone is safe. She-"

'-is coming-'

"You're hearing things. You're paranoid, calm down, she's locked on the other side and the well wasn't magic, she would have told you, she told you everything about the other world, she never said anything about the well. Youre all safe" i said to myself as i finally calmed down

My door opened, it was my mother "Wybie is outside, hes waiting for you" she then left and i went outside "grandma wanted me to change the channel on the TV, wanna go get some ice cream?" I nodded "yeah...yeah"

As we walked down the pathway to his bike, i looked back at the pink palace once before continuing with walking. "We're safe" i whispered to myself "huh?" Wybie asked "i said, I'm getting (favorite flavor), the other mother wouldn't let me have that" he turned his head to me and smiled.

I was safe
I was home


Thats it! The book is finally complete! Thanks for sticking around until the end! I hope you enjoyed the book!

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