chapter thirteen

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Your pov

"You're not crazy" i spoke. Of course he would hear it as an echo in his head or room. I wanted answers, he said i used to live in the pink palace, not on the made up side though, the real one, where the old lady lives next door and no one is made of sacks of sand, where vermin spends most of his days.

He looked like he was full on freaking out now "calm down! Please, i need to talk to you!" I switched my vision back to my own and sat up in my bed, i would still be able to hear him and talk to him, just not see him.

"Where are you? Who are you?" He asked in a shaky voice "please, dont be scared, im (y/n)..."

(Y/n)? The person from my dream?" I walked out of my room and quickly tried to get to the sewing room, hopefully not being spotted by anyone, they would tell her if i even looked like i was doing something i wasn't supposed to.

I had an idea, it was a long shot but i hoped it would work "yes, the one from your dream...i think. I might have had the same dream, which shouldn't be possible because i cant sleep, im not human" i walked down the stairs and stopped to look over them for anyone near by. Once i knew there was no one i continued walking

"Not human? What?" His voice cracked but he sounded more calm than before "no time to explain, are you still in your room?" I finally got to the door and quickly opened it, knowing that if i tried doing it slowly, it would creak. "I am"

I closed the door behind me and walked to the large mirror.

"Good, look into your mirror"

I saw my own reflection. I didn't fully know how the mirror worked, all the other times it just randomly showed Wybie but i did know that i can use the mirror to see through, like the dolls because i saw mother do it once or twice before through the slightly opened door so maybe i can make it work the other way around too and make him see me.

"Are...are you still there?" I took a deep breath and exhaled as i heard his voice. "Yes Wybie, i am" i said as i stepped closer to the mirror

"You know my name? He knows my name, what else? The dolls your spy? Oh...wait, have you seen me undress?!" I pursed my lips and ignored the question as i set the palms of my hands onto the mirror.

I looked down to the ground and focused as images started popping into my head

The pink palace

A green car

A pregnant lady and a man

An older woman and a kid that looked familiar


"You have buttons, for eyes!?"

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