chapter twenty-three

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Your pov

Its been a few days since we all made it back home, all of the memories i couldn't remember were slowly returning, Coralines real family started gardening with her.

My parents helped Coralines with the garden when they aren't busy, my sister and i hang out a lot and Wybie...well, i don't know what is happening there. We've been hanging out, we basically already forgot about the whole other world thing, its just better that we leave it in the past, i dont even know where the key is.

I was sitting next to Wybie under the tree by the well. We were just sitting quietly, enjoying the sounds of the wind blowing through the leaves and birds chirping here and there when Wybie asked a question about the exactthing we wanted to leave in the past.

"What happened on the other side? She wrapped you in web, how'd you escape?" I didn't look at him as i remembered the events from then.

"I ripped the web and got out while she was busy trying claw at the door, i left the room and used the windows, the ones in the Seweing room, they were still there, i was surprised that they actually sent me to the tunnel and to this side of the door." I said looking at the leaves on the ground

I picked one up and started pulling it apart and subconsciously put my hand onto my stomach, right below the left side of my rib cage.

"I wish i was never stupid enough to want to stay that side, and im sorry i yelled at you when we were in the mirror" he didn't say anything so i turned my head to look at him but i was met with his lips against mine.

I felt my heart drop to my stomach from the surprise, my eyes closed as i moved myself closer to him and put my hand on his cheek. He put his arm around my waist to pull me in even closer but i flinched. We moved apart and stared at each other for a moment, i knew he was about to ask about me flinching so before  he could, i pulled him in this time and made the kiss more intimate.

After a minute or two, we pulled apart again "what are we?" I asked looking at his lips "as long as you dont stalk me again, we're dating" he said smirking. I moved away from him. I gave him a glare before standing up and walking away.

He ran after me to catch up "sorry!" He yelled. As he finally caught up, he took my hand interlocked our fingers as we walked back to the house "you ever gonna give my jacket back?" He asked making me remember that i still have it in my room "no, its mine now" "fine"

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