chapter twenty-five

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Your pov

I dont remember much after that, just that my body started feeding off of her happiness of trying to murder me then i remember waking up on the floor in my spider form, as if my body went on autopilot to save me. I looked around the room and she was gone but tree of her legs were on the floor, detached from her body.

I then slowly changed back to my human form, not even getting to see my spider form completely before changing back.

I examined my wounds to see that they were all gone, no bruising, no holes, no marks or scratches but they do hurt to the touch.

I made my way to the small door, noticing a limp. When i got to the door, it wouldn't open "i gave the key to Wybie, he must've locked the door" i stood up and limped put of the room

The house looked like an uncolored page in a coloring book. I looked at the ground, there was a blood trail leading to the kitchen, the blood was pitch black with a slight red tinge.

I slowly pushed open the doors to see her on the floor, she was laying face down, three of her legs were missing and one of her hands too. I closed the door and walked to the sewing room

I walked in and saw that the only thing that had any color was the outside of the window. As i walked toward it, i grabbed a chair and dragged it with me.

I set the chair right under the windowsill and opened them. I then got onto the chair and jumped.

I didn't go far, i fell for about two seconds and landed on my butt in a very dark area. I then heard someone talking and followed that voice to a door. I opened it and crawled out, then stood up and dusted myself off and thats when i saw Wybie.

I didn't want to tell him what really happened, i dont know why hut i just didn't want him to know. I had him lock that door with the key too, last i heard, he and coraline got rid of it and that was the end of that.

I looked around my room again and saw nothing "shes gone, you defeated her, shes not coming back, you're safe now" i kept reassuring myself as i laid back down and fell asleep again

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