chapter seven

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Wybies pov

I sat by the well, minding my own business, when Coraline just appeared out of nowhere, spooking me. "What do you want Caroline" i asked, deliberately mispronouncing her name. She angrily corrected me and sat down, i sighed as my newfound and very much unwanted company made herself comfortable on the ground, quite close to me.

"So, you got any plans for today?" She asked, looking up at me "i was going to enjoy my day alone but i see, that won't be happening" i spoke with an annoyed tone.

"The other Wybie would want to hang out with me, but he doesn't speak so i don't to han out with him, plus, he stands too straight, its weird" i looked over at her "there is no 'other' me, unless you count the minni me"

"You have a 'minni me' too? So that means you made them right? Because there would be no one else here that would have made them" She asked, moving slightly closer to me "no, i found yours and mine was sent to me by someone" i moved away from her

"By who? They must know us if they look like us right? It could have been your grandma, or mr B from upstairs,  or maybe the sisters downstairs..." She then gasped "you think my other mother made them? Shes amazing, she made me food, a new room, i got brand new clothes from her, she even had everyone in the house give me a show! It was awesome, there was cotton candy, a lot of dogs, a garden shaped like my face! She has button eyes too, just like the dolls, well mine at least, does yourshave them?, maybe she knows who you are and the dolls are from the other world!"

i stood up "there is no other me, no other mother and the dolls were probably made by some creep that was stalking us!"

After yelling, i just walked away. She was sounding insane and was annoying me.

At home i walked passed grandma who ignored me and i walked to my room. Once in my room i sat on my bed, i them looked at the doll "who made you? Why does she think some 'other mother' made you? What is she on?" (And can i have some? Jkjk dont do drugs)

I then grabbed the doll out of annoyance and frustration and threw it into the trash bin i had in my room.

I stared at it for a good minute before feeling bad for throwing it away. I sighed and took it out and placed it back where it was "sorry...i just wanted a peaceful, quiet eavening"

I turned and looked into the mirror. I was tired, i knew that, so the bags under my eyes weren't a surprise, i would usually stay up late and-

"Was that there the whole day?" There was a pimple, right on my chin and it was huge "why do i never feel these things on my face until after someone sees me?...great"

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