See You Never

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"Italics" = Speech
Italics Underlined = Thoughts

Hi there! Future me here! This chapter is very boring. It gets even confusing and better though because I believe past self writing this was lazy. And was lazy for four more chapters. I don't know what I'm doing.
But i hope you enjoy!


Soviet messed up. He was now sat at the lowest seat in the building, like a trial was happening. Everyone looking down on him. Even his Allies.

"I still don't see why he would do it. It's long gone, the problems and he's had his sessions. He's a better person now. He couldn't have! Please UN."

"Shut up Russia, you're only just saying that because you know you can't do work. And he's your dad. He's a fucking Murderer. I knew he -"

"USA that's enough!"
United Nations cut America off, shutting him up. UN sighed and looked down on the red man, Soviet looked away-afraid of eye contact. He was guilty and in big trouble.

EU decided to speak up, breaking the awkward silence.
"USSR, final time. Explain why you decided to kill your father?"

Soviet looked at his hands, recalling the memory.

He looked afraid for once. Once a great empire, now looking at me in terror. What changed? Why am i doing this? You didn't love me. You never cared. STOP LYING TO ME YOU ASSHOLE!
He pulled the trigger.

"As I said before, I do not know. I do not remember."
The Communist explained. The countries started speaking again. And after a while, a decision was made. Soviet looked up as Russia started to shout at the others, he could see that the young country was crying.

My son...

Soviet never knew how much Russia had cared about him. He was such a horrible father, who always blamed his kids for his problems. And even if Russia was the most well cared, he still treated the kid like shit.


Russ Screamed, Germany was trying to calm him down and comfort him. Japan and France also trying their best to make the boy feel better. America was starting to feel a little sorry for him, of course he didn't show this feeling and kept a straight face.
The Unions were starting to talk to each other, walking away from the countries. Canada wanted to get away from this mess, he hated seeing other countries sad. He only stopped himself from hugging Russia as he knew Ukraine would be happy. Cana was on Ukraine's side this moment. And China was thinking what would happen to the Communist Trio. So much was going to change when USSR leaves...


The meeting had ended and Soviet was now in a small room, watching his son plead for his freedom. United Nations was trying to calm the boy down, as there was nothing that could be done. The man couldn't watch any longer. It was torture to see his 'favourite' cry for him. Such a bad person...

Why didn't he think about the consequences? Surprisingly, Soviet wasn't drunk at the time he killed his dad. He had full control, he knew what he was doing. Just didn't think of the aftermath.

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