Can We Hug

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The puller and the communist had left the scene completely now. Prussia might worry where Soviet would be. But that didn't matter.

Soviet could now see who the kidnapper was. Surprise surprise!

It was Stripes! Aka : Britain.

He was holding a gun. Which USSR didn't expect. And they were heading back into the woods. Heading back to South.

The small Union was still holding onto the commies coat, his face focused on his surroundings Infront of him. Soviet smiled at the sight of his friend. Yeah, the Brit was holding him hostage, but Sov didn't care. The blue man was smaller than him, and he was his friend. No reason to fight at all.

"Heya Britain."

UK looked back at him. He looked very frustrated, with his eyes squinted and his brows furrowed. The Briton stared forward again.

USSR hummed and looked up at the sky. It was partly blocked by the almost-naked branches of the trees. But he could see the sun was beginning to get into the Sunset zone.

"Where you taking me, Robin Boy?"

He could hear the Brit giggle quietly.

"Oh. So you respond to me when I call you Robin Boy?"

"Eagle Man. Please. Be quiet for just a second."

Soviet laughed and nodded, showing to Britain that he understood. The Brit's voice was monotone, not to mention calming. It was probably his accent causing the Russian to feel calm.

They both walked even more South. The sun had officially become a Sunset.

"Can I speak now?"

"You may."

"You still going to hold onto my coat?"

Britain immediately let go of Soviet. He was looking at his gloved hands, seeing if any dirt was on them. The man gave a sigh of relief, there wasn't any.

USSR now walked beside the small Union.

"So. Why'd you kidnap me?"

"I'm here to make you marry a bird, so you can save another planet."

"I'm completely fine with that. I like planets."

"Well, you'll be saving Pluto."

Jack explained, waiting for the communist's response. He looked very annoyed at what Brit had said.

"Pluto isn't a planet."

"Don't bully Pluto just because they're short! They're a baby. Baby planet. Let them grow."

"That bird can go Divorced. I'm not saving any fake planet."

"But it's Pluto!"

"Pluto can go eat shit."

"How dare you."

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