Ottoman My Friend

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Another day! Another chapter!

Still trying to write as much as I can.

So thank you. I didn't put a warning on the last chapter because you should just expect the unexpected by now! And with that, enjoy.


Russia and Soviet walked either side of Britain. They were walking in the fields behind the building again, a familiar place that was easy to get to.

What a nice place to get to know your future mother.

"So why a lion if it isn't in your country?"

"The lion is the ruler of the animal kingdom."

"But everyone chooses the lion. It's boring."

"...i did not come on this walk just to be insulted."

Britain spat. He didn't exactly care if Russia was his boyfriend's son. He was still angry that he was woken up.

"Is he always like that?"

"Heh, no. He's just in a bad mood."

"What is he like in a good mood?"

"Why are both of you talking about me when i'm right here?"

The Russians looked down at him again. Not going to lie, it made Britain feel very annoyed rather than intimidated. Everyone else was taller than him.

There was a small awkward silence. Russ decided to change the subject.

"So...why are you together with my dad?"

"...what? Soviet?!"

"Hey now. Don't look at me. He guessed."

"I did."

Russ was proud of himself for noticing in the first place. Britain was on the edge of murdering the child but remained calm.

"Why am I...with him? Maybe because he loved me as well? Maybe because he said I was too short to kiss him."

Yes. That was true. And he most definitely was too short to kiss him if he wasn't stood on something or the man leaned down.

Russ laughed.

"Did you finally kiss him?"

"I do not feel comfortable talking to you at all. Especially not in this topic."

He looked up to his father for the answer instead, he smirked as the man nodded his head.

"This 'family' of yours is weird..."

"Well, we aren't English. We are completely different culture to you."


Confederacy hid behind his brother as they both stared down at the end of the tunnel. They were farther out of the city than any Country had been. And CSA still had to go back to see Japan and Britain. All of his friends. If they cared or still remembered.

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