Thats My Promise

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Father and Son?

Listen. I don't believe we're near the end yet.


Confederacy gulped and quickly pushed past Britain, walking into the living room with everyone else. He wasn't going to tell anyone yet, not until they found out themselves. And boy would that be fun.

Britain continued to stare at the two others left outside. One of whom he did not know and the other he could recognise from miles away. It was hard to focus on anything just at the sight.

Soviet gasped as he saw his son. Russia smiled and pushed past Brit, so he could give his father a big hug. They both embraced each other tightly and teared up. It was a cute little father-son reunion. The two Russians holding each other, not letting go anytime soon.

America was shocked to see how much Brit had grown during the years. So much. It was like he was staring at an entirely different person. Maybe he was entirely different now.

The American gathered up all his confidence to finally speak in this awkward situation. He held onto his own wrists to make himself feel comfort.


No answer. UK's vision started to blur, tears forming in his eyes. He didn't bother to notice nor care.

Soviet looked at the two, Russia followed. They were still in their, what I'd call, bear-hug. But boy was the large union angry at the sight of America.


"Why is he here?"

"He helped me get here."

"I'm going to -"

"Pa, please, he helped me! Get to you! Don't hurt him!"

Sov sighed, looking down at his child. He let go of him and walked beside Britain. Russia just watched, praying that his dad wouldn't hurt his friend. Else he would have to try and stop the man himself.

US stepped back from the unions in fear.

"Why are you here America?"

"I-i just wanted t-to help your son."

"So, you're stuck with all of us. That's great."

"S-Soviet. We c-can talk this out al-alright?"

"After what you did? What was that thing you said to me? 'See you never'? I think you spoke to soon."


USSR grinned at the American's vulnerability, he was about to walk closer until Britain blocked him. The Commie peered down at the man. America was also confused.


"Don't go near him..."

Robin was saying it as a threat, his voice serious and cold. Even more scary with the help of his beautiful yet terrifying accent.

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